Mark 15 – King of The Jews

Jesus a perfect sacrifice

Read Mark 15

It didn’t seem right to shorten today’s reading. It’s Holy Week and Good Friday. It’s good for us to remember Jesus’ final hours. We can almost feel the agony if we take time to really reflect. What was Jesus, the King of Jews, feeling as he endured the mocking, the abuse, the pain coursing through every inch of his body?

These verses take us from Jesus’ second trial to his death on the cross, followed by his burial. It was only a span of hours. The leading priests, Pilate, the Roman officer, and Joseph of Arimathea all played their roles perfectly to complete God’s plan. Even the crowds of people were engaged in making sure a known criminal walked free rather than Jesus. Where had Jesus’ popularity gone?

Jesus was more than just the King of the Jews, however that was the charge they came up with. Jesus is king of all kings, lord of all lords. Little did these people know who they were dealing with. Jesus had held back from trying to plead his case or make the leaders see the truth. It had to happen this way. Our salvation depended on it.

Jesus was thinking of you that day. Being human, too, Jesus had to do something to distract himself from the pain of the torture as well as the ridicule. The people he loved so much were treating him this badly. Knowing his destiny couldn’t have dulled the pain that much if at all.

If Jesus was King of the Jews, the people surely didn’t treat him like it that day. Interesting to think that even many people today don’t bow down to our king Jesus, do they? I feel sad for people who don’t know Jesus. Granted, my relationship with him is continually growing, but it’s still growing.

I can’t imagine having lived through some of the things I’ve lived through in my life without Jesus by my side. People are doing it every day and don’t realize the comfort and joy they are missing. We are going to experience trials in life. Even Jesus told us that. Why not put your trust in the one true king?

These are my reflections and not meant to condemn anyone. I simply wish for all people, especially the ones I love most, to know Jesus–to want to know Jesus. For people who are searching for something to fill the empty place in their lives, I believe Jesus is the answer. He filled my gaping hole.

What Jesus did for us on Golgotha’s hill that day is the ultimate anyone could every do. The price Jesus paid saved us all. Can you even fathom that much grace? The agony of grace was endured by our Lord and Savior. How can we not be moved when we remember?

Let’s pray. LORD, what you did for me on that hill grabs my heart like a big bear hug. I can almost feel your embrace as I remember. Your love for me is just that strong. I really don’t have the words to say other than, I love you, LORD. Thank you for being the king of my life. Rule in my heart forever. In your precious name, I pray, Amen.

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