Mark 15:42-47 – Put to Rest

Read Mark 15:42-47

What surprised you in today’s reading? Perhaps it was that a respected member of the high council wanted Jesus’ body. What moved Joseph to take this risk? Mark’s gospel speaks of the linen, the location, and those witnessing Jesus’ resting place.

As a child, I remember reciting the “Apostle’s Creed,” and we proclaimed every week that Jesus was buried. It happened that way. But Jesus’ was not a normal burial. This was the entombment of God’s only son.

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Luke 22:63-23:55 – Guilty or Not Guilty?

Read Luke 22:63-23:55

Reading about Jesus’ final hours can be an emotional encounter, especially when we put ourselves in the scene. We’ve been walking with Jesus to the cross, and today we arrive. Seeing it dramatized is also a very powerful way to remember. I’ll never forget the car ride home in silence after our family watched Mel Gibson’s “Passion of the Christ” when it first came out in theatres.

Sometimes we want to rush ahead to what happens next, but the first disciples didn’t know this was only the beginning of the miracle of all miracles. Let’s stay where we are in this moment, seeing our Savior’s sacrifice of love.

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