Zechariah 5:5-11 – Wickedness Contained

Read Zechariah 5:5-11

Another interesting vision to contemplate, brought to us by the prophet, Zechariah. This time he sees a bushel basket full of wickedness. I love the creativity God uses to make his intentions known. He doesn’t just use words! So, what message did this vision bring to you?

Did you find it interesting that wickedness was personified as a woman? In chapter 17 of the book of Revelation, John sees evil as the “great prostitute.” Now I have a picture of that woman in the container! And then, out of nowhere, two women with long, graceful wings enter the scene to take the wicked one away into the clouds. Without any explanation, such a vision would be a bit unsettling. We’re not given much enlightenment either.

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Zechariah 4:1-14 – A Lampstand and Two Olive Trees

Read Zechariah 4:1-14

You’re not alone if this fifth vision of Zechariah left you perplexed. It’s not only strange but hard to understand. I’m hoping we can unpack it a little and let the Holy Spirit speak to our hearts the intended message for our reflection. Even the angel’s explanation left me scratching my head.

It helps to remember that this section of the book is focusing on who is leading those exiled people now returning to Jerusalem. This vision points to the new governor, and kingly descendent, Zerubbabel. You may recall Haggai mentions Zerubbabel—now it’s Zechariah’s turn to shine the light on the leader God had chosen.

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Zechariah 3:1-10 – A Burning Stick

Read Zechariah 3:1-10

Our focus now shifts to the high priest’s leadership of the new people of God in this “new age” or time after captivity. Jeshua or Joshua, depending on your translation, is the high priest in this vision, having come from the Zadokite tradition. Zechariah has a front row seat to observe Joshua’s questioning and accusations by Satan himself. What a vision!

Satan’s attempts to distract Joshua are rebuked by God. The LORD says to Satan, “This man is like a burning stick that has been snatched from the fire.” Joshua would have been lost forever, consumed by the fire of sin, if he had not been plucked out of Satan’s grip. God had bigger purposes for Joshua, and this prophecy gives him great spiritual authority among the people.

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Zechariah 1:7-17 – World Peace, Really?

Read Zechariah 1:7-17

We’re told Zechariah waited three months for this new vision. Do you think he wondered if he was going to hear from God again? Now comes a vision that seems a bit complex. It doesn’t appear that the color of the horses has any significance nor does the location among the hedgerow of the evergreen shrub, myrtle, indigenous to the region.

The message would be timely for the people were floundering after returning to their homeland. You know, there is always that awkward period of adjustment and transition. My husband and I are heading into a new season, which includes moving our residence across town. There will always be upheaval amid change.

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