Daniel 4:19-27 – What to Believe

Read Daniel 4:19-27

Banished from society to live like an animal doesn’t sound like a pleasant way to spend “seven periods of time.” We’re not told what a “period” was. This message may be speaking of days or years, and the ramifications would be so different.

Daniel didn’t want to share the message from the Most High God at first. Do you think he was afraid Nebuchadnezzar would retaliate in some way or have Daniel put to death? After all, Nebuchadnezzar was a powerful king, and he could make Daniel’s life miserable. Continue reading “Daniel 4:19-27 – What to Believe”

Daniel 4:1-18 – Dreaming of a Tree

Read Daniel 4:1-18

A second dream! I suppose when you’re good at something that glorifies God you talk about it. We get the first part of the story here, but our next reading will be the big reveal. For now, we’re wondering how it will all play out.

This whole story being told by King Nebuchadnezzar is quite the proclamation! As far as was the king’s reach, people were hearing about the Most High God. “How great are his signs, how powerful his wonders! His kingdom will last forever, his rule through all generations.” How do you think Daniel and his friends reacted to such a public display? Continue reading “Daniel 4:1-18 – Dreaming of a Tree”

Daniel 3:19-30 – From Rescue to Promotion

Read Daniel 3:19-30

God showed up, just like Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego knew he would. Their faith was unshakable. Yet, they may have been trembling from head to foot when thrown into the furnace. Imagine how quickly that fear turned to wonder when an angel from God joined their party of three.

Think about a time when you felt God’s presence rescuing you. Maybe God intervened and you missed being part of an accident. Maybe you were feeling unsure about a decision, and after praying immediately knew the answer. Continue reading “Daniel 3:19-30 – From Rescue to Promotion”

Daniel 2:46-49 – The King’s Response

Read Daniel 2:46-49

King Nebuchadnezzar got everything he wanted from Daniel. We’re not told here what the king thought of the message itself. But his response to Daniel speaks volumes. Were you surprised by what happened?

I’m sure Daniel was a little taken aback when this powerful king threw himself down in worship of Daniel. I don’t imagine kings often make themselves vulnerable like that, yet Nebuchadnezzar was so moved. The king even encouraged others to show their respect. Daniel was likely relieved to have not angered the king with the message. Continue reading “Daniel 2:46-49 – The King’s Response”

Daniel 1:1-7 – Setting the Stage

Read Daniel 1:1-7

The Book of Daniel will introduce us to the prophet, Daniel, who was living in Babylon during the exile. In the second half of the book, Daniel shares interesting dreams and visions for us to ponder, ultimately giving us confidence that God is in control. Daniel’s life displays how we can live a godly life in a sinful world. We’ll encounter themes of perseverance, finding purpose in life, and God’s faithfulness.

In our first reading, Daniel is setting the stage. We can pinpoint his place in history having been taken into exile when King Nebuchadnezzar besieged Jerusalem for the first time. We know from other texts that Judah’s king, Jehoiakim, was also taken captive. But Daniel’s focus will be on his own journey in a foreign land. Continue reading “Daniel 1:1-7 – Setting the Stage”


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