Daniel 2:46-49 – The King’s Response

incense burner with gray smoke billowing against black background

Read Daniel 2:46-49

King Nebuchadnezzar got everything he wanted from Daniel. We’re not told here what the king thought of the message itself. But his response to Daniel speaks volumes. Were you surprised by what happened?

I’m sure Daniel was a little taken aback when this powerful king threw himself down in worship of Daniel. I don’t imagine kings often make themselves vulnerable like that, yet Nebuchadnezzar was so moved. The king even encouraged others to show their respect. Daniel was likely relieved to have not angered the king with the message.

On the contrary, the king praised Daniel’s God, our God, in a surprising way, saying, “Truly, your God is the greatest of gods, the Lord over kings, a revealer of mysteries, for you have been able to reveal this secret.” The king was on the right track here. He knew where credit was due. Our God is great indeed, but he is the only true God. Having only one God would be a new concept for the Babylonians and other foreigners who had many gods.

Because God chose to use Daniel to bless the king in this manner, Daniel was, in turn, given great honors from the king. Nebuchadnezzar had just witnessed God in action. Seeds had been planted.

It was a no brainer to Nebuchadnezzar to keep Daniel close. Daniel was richly rewarded for the part he played in revealing this “secret” to the king. Daniel didn’t keep it all for himself. After all, his three friends had also played a role, and Daniel wanted to make sure they were cared for as well. Such a selfless act.

What struck a chord with you as you read this passage? I’m proud of Daniel’s reaction to the king’s response. Daniel could have let his human nature rule and become prideful and possessive of the many valuable gifts he was given. Daniel proves to us his devotion to the one true God. Daniel had to know it was all due to God’s hand at work.

How often do we take credit for things God has accomplished in our lives? That’s a scary thought, isn’t it? Maybe it’s more of a “wake-up call” for us to be more mindful of our interactions. Each circumstance we encounter in life will arrive with a choice of how we respond. Will we look for the good, or in other words be looking for God at work? Or will we dwell on what could go wrong or expect failure? Those are our choices.

When God chooses you for something, like he chose Daniel, he will make it happen no matter what we do. There are several Bible heroes that come to mind for me who didn’t feel worthy to be chosen. If that’s you, get over it. If God brings you to something, he will surely show you through. Just be open and ready.

colorful animation of prayer hands and hearts and flowersLet’s pray. Father God, there have been times when I haven’t felt ready to face a situation, but you have given me strength. Thank you for the ability to tap into your power that sustains me. May I never be prideful or boastful but look for you. You have given me so much, help me to share my gifts wisely. May my response always be with praise and thanksgiving on my lips. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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