Mark 2:18-22 – What About Fasting?

Read Mark 2:18-22

You might be thinking, “What is fasting in the first place?” It’s definitely more than just a diet! While fasting involves abstaining from food and/or drink, fasting also needs to include spiritual renewal, from shutting out the world to spending time in God’s presence. This is not a community event but a personal one between you and God. You can pray, read Scripture, sing praise songs, or sit quietly and listen. Always be listening for God’s voice whether you’re fasting or not.

What did you think about the contrast between Jesus’ followers and those of John the Baptist? John’s followers, along with other religious leaders, would lean toward the side of piety and following rules. It seems that Jesus’ followers were less focused on those “traditions,” and this verse brilliantly tells us why. The more pious would have been looking down on what Jesus’ followers were doing.

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Mark 1:40-45 – Fearless Compassion

Read Mark 1:40-45

Do you think anybody saw Jesus touch the man with leprosy? The man would have been untouchable for everyone, except Jesus. In that day, people with leprosy, called lepers, were shunned and kept to themselves or lived in “colonies.”

There was great fear and stigma surrounding the disease which would cover the skin with hideous lesions. Leprosy was highly contagious from skin-to-skin contact. And Jesus touched the man! I can just imagine the gasp of those watching such a scene.

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Mark 1:35-39 – Quiet Time

Read Mark 1:35-39

I love what Jesus models for us here. No matter how busy and “in demand” Jesus was, he made it a priority to spend time in prayer. Alone. If Jesus needed that quiet time to recharge and reconnect with his Father, how much more do we need such connection? I’m so glad you’re reading this right now, quietly spending time with God and making him a priority!

The distracted disciples were missing out on their own quiet time. Did you sense the urgency in the disciples’ search for Jesus? It was like they felt pressured to satisfy everyone else’s desire to see Jesus. They were so busy trying to manage “everyone,” they didn’t notice Jesus’ need for prayer.

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Mark 1:29-34 – The Healer

Read Mark 1:29-34

Mark’s first recorded healing miracle is for a woman related to one of his disciples! I’ve always marveled at the story. How fitting for this Hebrew woman to be healed and immediately start thinking of how she can serve. That speaks to the mindset of women in the household during those times, and how quickly a healing can take place.

Simon’s mother-in-law did not “milk” the illness. Once the fever left her, like the “energizer bunny” she was determined to make food to show her appreciation. Isn’t it what was expected of her when there were guests in the house? Did you ever wonder what she cooked?

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Mark 1:9-15 – From Baptism to Temptation

Read Mark 1:9-15

I can’t even fathom the transition Jesus endured. He went from the high point of his baptism to being drawn into the wilderness to encounter the craftiness of Satan. The passage says Jesus was “compelled” to spend these 40 days in the desert.  That’s a long time to be tempted by evil.

Mark’s gospel account of these two life events seems like the condensed version when compared to other gospels. Both were significant milestones in Jesus’ life. The baptism appears in all four gospels, and the temptation in three. Both events take place before Jesus begins his ministry.

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