2 Peter 1:5-11 – Responding to God’s Promise

Read 2 Peter 1:5-11

In our last reading, we explored how faith is a gift from the Lord along with his promise we can reflect his divine nature. This text gives us more insight into how we should respond to this gift. Apparently, we need to “take action” to enjoy the richness of the promise’s fulfillment.

To accomplish this task, Peter teaches us how to acknowledge and handle the gift we’ve been given. I’m guessing Peter expected people would not take advantage of all God has to offer. It’s helpful to know a response is needed so we don’t leave God’s promise behind. Did the prescription Peter outlines seem a bit daunting?

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Obadiah 1-9 – Edom’s Judgment

Read Obadiah 1-9

Welcome to Obadiah, the shortest book in the Old Testament. Its message is about oppression and betrayal, from both vantage points. We’ll also see examples of being the “innocent bystander” in perilous times. It’s thought that Obadiah would have written this prophecy sometime after the Babylonian conquest, but it is not clearly stated.

Obadiah’s message reveals God’s dramatic response to anyone who would harm his precious children. Edom was one of those nations, located southwest of the Dead Sea. The Edomite people were descendants of Esau, Jacob’s twin brother. Remember the story about the birth right in Genesis 27? We see time and again in the Old Testament references to the hostilities and struggles Edom had with God’s people, Israel.  

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Hebrews 12:5-13 – Divine Discipline

Read Hebrews 12:5-13

I was spanked as a child, were you? It was “for my own good,” I was told. Take a step back in time and think about how your parents disciplined you while growing up. I apologize if you were the “perfect” child who never riled anger or correction from your parents. I was not. Not even close! I spent many nights “grounded.”

When we become parents ourselves, our perspective on the whole idea of discipline abruptly changes. If not a parent, think of a time when you were put in charge of a room full of children and felt totally out of your element. (That’s what being a parent can feel like sometimes!)

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Hebrews 11:32-40 – Bold Faith

Read Hebrews 11:32-40

What a great trip down memory lane this has been! The common denominator for all the hero stories we’ve been reminded of is faith. Bold faith. These people were not always popular, but putting their trust in God was what they valued more than anything. “By faith these people overthrew kingdoms, ruled with justice, and received what God had promised them.” Don’t ever forget to look back and take note of others who have gone before you! There is a lot of encouragement and wisdom there!

Now for a startling reality! Without God, we are weak. Thankfully, in our weakness, God steps in and gives us strength. Do you have faith enough to believe that? Think about the examples the Preacher has given us. “Their weakness was turned to strength.” How did that happen? Bold faith in a God that loves to provide for his faithful children!

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Jeremiah 34:1-7 -A Promise from God

Read Jeremiah 34:1-7

rainbow in the sky in field with trees

We’re starting a new “unofficial” section of Jeremiah that seems to include a lot of narratives about Judah under siege in the years 588-587 B.C. The events won’t always be in chronological order, so that’s a good thing to keep in mind as you reflect on these passages. While we’ll be walking through some dark moments in the history of God’s people, we can shine the light of Jesus on all of it.

In our reading today, Jeremiah brings a specific message from the LORD to King Zedekiah. It’s not every day that God reveals to us exactly what is going to happen to us. Do you think it would be better to know exactly what was going to happen next in your life, even if it’s bad, or would you rather be unaware and just let things come?

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