Jeremiah 25:15-29 – A Cup of God’s Anger

Read Jeremiah 25:15-29

mug sitting in a window sill

What a metaphor God uses here in this teachable moment: a cup filled with his wrath to be shared. His anger overflows to other nations, not just Judah! God directed Jeremiah to the nations sharing in this promise of doom. They were surrounding nations and those, like Egypt, who had done business or had association in some way with Judah.

I’m unsure how Jeremiah would “make” those other nations drink. What does that even mean exactly? But Jeremiah claims to have been successful on that mission. Can you imagine what the other nations thought after hearing the God of Israel was not only pouring out his wrath on his own people but on them, too! Whether they listened or not is unknown. The time was coming when they’d be “crazed by the warfare” God was sending their way.

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Amos 9:11-15 – Restored!

Read Amos 9:11-15

two little girls hugging with joy

Is there something you’re struggling with right now that you pray God will restore for you? Maybe it’s a relationship, maybe it’s a bank account, maybe it’s to ignite your faith. Whatever it is for you, imagine that it has been accomplished. The restoration has taken place.

The hope we read about in today’s reading speaks of a restoration that was prophesied about and then actually happened. God’s promise to rebuild is meant to give the Israelites hope. Even though they have had a hard time believing they are in for some disciplinary destruction, at least they will have these words to rest upon when they find themselves stuck in exile, feeling abandoned and alone.

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