1 Timothy 1:12-17 – Whom God Uses

Read 1 Timothy 1:12-17

colorful people figures walking forward following each other

Think for a moment about Paul’s life before his encounter with Jesus on the road to Damascus. What a dramatic difference from what Paul’s life looks like as an apostle of Jesus! If we look at Bible heroes in general, we see how unprepared they were on their own.

God always equips those he calls. There is no greater honor than to be used by God for his purposes. Can you think of some examples in the Bible? The pages of Scripture are full of times we see God using imperfect people for the sake of his mission.

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Jeremiah 24:1-10 – Good Figs

Read Jeremiah 24:1-10

fig growing on a tree

When you picture these people being taken into exile, away from everything that’s familiar, the vision is not pretty. Imagine the despair and longing for how things used to be! In today’s reading, God uses the vision of figs as more than just a depiction of good and evil. Jeremiah now has a much different picture of how God sees those living in exile. They represent the good figs.

Have you ever stopped to think about what the people left behind in Jerusalem must have been thinking? Did they feel victorious because they weren’t the ones whisked away into the unknown? Perhaps they felt superior having been spared this brutality. According to the fig story, their reality is quite the opposite.

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Psalm 8 💚 I Am God’s Creation

Read Psalm 8

Famous rendering of God's hand reaching out in creation

As we embark on our “Discovering the Bible Challenge,” we’ll focus first on Our Majestic and Gracious God. Each reading has been carefully selected for our Bible adventure together. I probably didn’t need to even tell you what the “theme” of the week is. What does our psalm speak to your heart about God’s character?

For me, I am comforted in knowing I was not created and then left to fend on my own. We all know this world to be a dark, cruel place underneath all the beauty and glorious display of God’s hand. There is peace knowing God created me to be in relationship with him. His instruction is available for all his children.

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