Luke 7:1-17 – Is My Faith Amazing?

Read Luke 7:1-17

We’ve got two stories today with similarities and differences.

Both have a miracle done by Jesus. Both miracles were done to help the less fortunate (a slave and a widow’s only son).

But the differences are many. In the first story Jesus was asked for healing, the second was initiated by Jesus out of his own compassion. One was sick and one was dead. One was done with Jesus present, the other by faith alone. Continue reading “Luke 7:1-17 – Is My Faith Amazing?”

Luke 1:39-45 – What Do You Believe In?

Read Luke 1:39-45

There is so much going on in this short passage. We are told that it was only a “few days” after receiving the message from the angel that Mary left to visit her relative, Elizabeth. I’m sure Mary was very excited to see Elizabeth and share “girl talk” about what was happening in their lives.

In Luke, we don’t see the interaction between Mary and Joseph, but could it be that she left quickly after telling him she was pregnant. Joseph’s anguish and deliberation takes place in the book of Matthew.

Mary didn’t have to say a word, as the Holy Spirit filled Elizabeth with the knowledge of what was happening to Mary. Even the son in her womb leaped for joy!

Mary no doubt left behind a questioning fiancé and surrounded herself with family. With Elizabeth, an older woman, pregnant in her final trimester, Mary was probably a very good companion and helper. Mary was also able to process the reality of what was happening to her. I can’t even imagine being the mother of  God’s son, can you?

Is Mary alone in her blessedness? While she is the only one that will  ever carry the Son of God, we can all receive God’s blessing. Elizabeth said, “You are blessed because you believed that the Lord would do what he said.” Now I realize the context here is huge, but for us it can also speak volumes.

As we prepare our hearts for the Christmas season, and more importantly for the second coming, all we need to do is believe. Believe that God will do what he has said. There are so many promises in the Bible. We need to believe them. Even without seeing first, especially without seeing them. We will then have a faith that will set us apart.

Jesus told us he is going to return. We need to believe that with our whole heart. We need to feel the anticipation each and every day. We should be living our lives as if he were coming today.

What does that look like for you? Do you want to tidy your house and have some cookies in the oven? Do you want to walk away from an unhealthy relationship and rely on God’s perfect will for your life? Do you want to devote more time each day to building your relationship with God?

How can you change things up in your life to be more obedient to God, to be ready? What lies are filling your head and keeping you from believing God’s word to be true?

Let’s pray. Lord I come to you today yearning to be closer to you. Help me to shut out all the ugliness of the world so I can truly focus on you and your goodness. May your peace and mercy wash over me and give me a new sense of joy. As we celebrate your incarnation, may we stay truly expectant on your second coming. Lord, I want my heart to be ready. I want to help bring others to a faith and belief in you as well. Give me the words to say and the wisdom to know when to speak. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

James 5:13-20 – Prayer is Powerful

Read James 5:13-20

The answer is the same – PRAY! The question could be, “What should I do next?” or “How am I ever going to make it through this day” or “Am I ever going to be well again?” Pray. Pray. Pray.

If you are searching for something or troubled by circumstance, pray. Prayers are answered everyday.

Do you ever wonder why your prayers aren’t answered. Could it be that they were just answered differently than you would have hoped?

Did you offer your prayer in faith? What does that mean to you? To me, it means I pray to God with the faith and assurance that he is going to answer my prayer according to his will. If we are praying outside his will for us, it is likely to be answered differently than we were hoping.

We used to use the first half of verse 16, in our recovery ministry. “Confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed.” There is a lot of power in confessing your wrongs to another person. Sometimes it’s easier than confessing the same sin to God. Together, you can pray to God, for each other, and miraculous healing can take place. It’s almost like a double cleansing.

When we keep our sins and wrongdoings to ourselves, the guilt or shame can only fester inside us until we release it. What sin are you holding tight to, wanting to keep hidden from view?

The second half of verse 16, “The earnest prayer of a righteous person has great power and produces wonderful results.” If we are right with God (righteous) our prayers will have more power. Our hearts are right and in direct alignment with  God’s will and plan for us. It is also more likely that our prayers won’t be for something outside of God’s will anyway, and therefore the results will be more dramatic. God looks at our hearts.

The book of James ends with  an observation about the one missing from the fold. God’s heart longs for his missing sheep that have wandered off. We all know one or more of these folks. They may be people who grew up in the faith but then walked away during college or as a young adult. Or perhaps they were new followers who were never connected with a church fellowship to shepherd them. Or perhaps it’s someone we see in church every Sunday but who has  never embraced a relationship with God.

James adds, “whoever brings the sinner back from wandering will save that person from death and bring about the forgiveness of many sins.” We need to be that “whoever” and be watching for those brothers and sisters who have wandered off.

There are so many enticements in the world, as there have always been. It is our job to be strong and rise above and conquer. Yet, the little voices in our heads can be so convincing – “sleep in on Sunday, you deserve it” or “go ahead, nobody is watching.”

Don’t believe it. God is watching. God is waiting. We need to be praying and keeping ourselves connected to our creator.

Let’s pray. Lord thank you for the open line of communication we have with you to pray at all times. When something doesn’t go my way, help me overcome the disappointment. Instead of questioning why, may I turn to you and rely on your comfort and redirection. I know you heart longs for those lost to you to return. Use me God to help shepherd them back so they can have life and be forgiven. Lead me to those opportunities. Use our business and the contacts we make. Bless it for your purposes. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

James 2:14-26 – Useless Faith

Read James 2:14-26

What is faith? Hebrews 11:1 tells us, “Faith means being sure of the things we hope for and knowing that something is real even if we do not see it.”  Since we cannot see God like we see each other, our faith allows us to truly believe.

But, it goes beyond that. Even demons believe in God. Our faith needs to be deeper. How’s that? Faith plus deeds equals righteousness or being “right with God.” That’s quite a concept.

Deeds would be what we do and how we live. Maybe we need to take our “deeds temperature.” If we are totally inward focused and do nothing to help others, our deeds temperature will be COLD! Alternatively, if we are active in our churches and community to help others, serving them in the name of Jesus, our deeds temperature will be HOT, or at least warm.

If our faith is alive and active within us, we are going to be burning to serve others. Jesus was the perfect example of being a servant leader. We need to be on the look out for the needs around us. We need to be listening for God’s instruction to us. Just like Abraham listened to God. Abraham really listened. I’m not sure I would have been as obedient to have nearly sacrificed one of my children. But God’s plan was perfect, and Abraham’s faith was played out in his deeds.

“You see that a person is considered righteous by what they do and not by faith alone.” What deed can you do today?

Verse 26 says, “As the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without deeds is dead.” Is your faith alive or dead?

Let’s pray. Lord, I come to you today reflecting on my faith life. I don’t want my faith to be dead. I want to serve you and be transparent in my devotion to you. It is my desire that my actions truly make a difference in the lives of others. Give me the courage to live my faith out loud, louder than I already do. Show me the plans you have for me, Lord. I want to please you in all I say and do. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Mark 11:12-25 – Glad I’m Not a Fig

Read Mark 11:12-25

Well, the scene I was expecting in yesterday’s reading happened today. I didn’t read ahead! Sometimes we look ahead to see what’s coming and that can ruin the story for us. Have you ever read the last chapter in a book to see how it ends? Here, it doesn’t matter, we know how it ends. When all is said and done – Jesus is VICTORIOUS!

The money changer story had to be there as it was a pivotal point. The Mark tells us the Pharisees ‘began’ to plan Jesus’ death. They were seriously afraid, most likely threatened, because people were following Jesus and their authority was being questioned. Have you ever been in a place where your authority was questioned? How did that feel?

The story about the fig tree has always amazed me. It seems like it can only be conceptual and not actual. It is probably both, I just need to open my mind. I certainly wouldn’t want to have God’s condemnation on me and my bearing fruit.

Personally, I feel I am just now coming “into season.” All those years up to now have been my planting and watering years. I have been growing steadily, from a seedling to a young tree.

Having planted a bit of an orchard when we lived in Wisconsin, I know that the fruit doesn’t show up for several years after planting. Even then, there is care required to make sure the branches are pruned and ready for the fruit to arrive. As I look back on my life, I have been pruned well, felt pain often, and now I am ready to bloom.

Having moved away from our orchard before the years of plenty, I was always curious about how ‘our’ fruit turned out. We visited our old neighborhood recently. There was fruit everywhere. One of the trees had grown so big the branches were literally falling over and laying on the ground. It was sad. Clearly, that poor tree had not been pruned, and so much of the fruit laid rotting on the ground.

So let that be a lesson to us, pruning is helpful. Our struggles and pain can be just what we need to prune us and ready us for what God has planned for us.

Jesus used this example as a teachable moment for his disciples as well. The poor fig tree was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Jesus believed that his words would not be empty and that God would move. No one will ever eat of that tree’s fruit again. He spoke it, believed it, and it came to pass.

God’s hand is mighty. We need to believe in it 100%. He will act. Our part is to forgive others so that we can be set free. When we are harboring negative emotions, we are not truly cleansed and open for the work God has for us. We cannot fully trust in his provision or plan. What are you holding on to? Who do you need to forgive?

Let’s pray. Lord, forgive me for my lack of focus and the stronghold my emotions have had on me this week. You have given me such a beautiful purpose, but my humanity has gotten in the way. Help me to let go of the hurts of the past and truly forgive those who have hurt me. Help me love on those around me as they deserve. My pity party is over! Thank you that you are already pulling back the curtain and letting the light back in. These dark days are over because of what did and how much you love me. You have given me a job to do. Thank you for the opportunity to shine once again for you and make you proud of me. In Jesus’ name. Amen.


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