2 Kings 6:1-7 – Unexpected Results

Read 2 Kings 6:1-7

baby with surprised face

What do we have here in today’s reading? There must be something we shouldn’t miss in this simple story! Certainly, God used Elisha in more exciting ways than this, right? It’s a good reminder to us that God works in the little details, too.

Have you ever borrowed something from someone and then ruined it or lost it before you could return it? Remember the dread in having to confess they would never see their treasure again? In Elisha’s day, ax heads were likely made of iron, a highly treasured precious metal. This tool would have been very valuable to its owner not only because of its cost but its usefulness.

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2 Kings 4:8-37 😍 Revived!

Read 2 Kings 4:8-37

man standing facing a sunset with his arms outstretched

Were you a little startled by this second miracle story in Chapter 4? I thought immediately of Jesus reviving people from the dead, but here we see Elisha tapping into that same power of God. What a beautiful story of helping bring faith into the lives of people!

The life of a prophet was difficult. This wealthy, unnamed woman from Shunem had the means to make his life a little more comfortable and to show kindness. She recognized Elisha as special and called him “man of God.” She clearly showed respect; I don’t think that she had any selfish motives, do you?

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1 Kings 18:20-45 – A Flash from Heaven

Read 1 Kings 18:20-45

swirls of fire that are taking shape of a heart

This is one of those Bible passages that really excites me. I love when the power of God is recognized and applauded. Our previous readings have been building up to this moment of triumph! I almost get giddy with joy at how Ahab and the prophets of Baal must be feeling.

I don’t imagine Elijah will gloat because it was not his power at work. He has to be even more in love with the LORD. If I were him, I would be overcome with the honor and privilege of bringing this message to the Israelites.

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Joshua 6:1-27 – Jericho Falls

Read Joshua 6:1-27

remnants of an ancient wall

What an event! This story sticks with me because as a child I learned a song in Sunday School about it. “Joshua fought the battle of Jericho, Jericho, Jericho. Joshua fought the battle of Jericho, and the walls came tumbling down.” Is that familiar to you, too? I remember we’d all dance around in a circle, and then fall down like the walls. I think that’s why I love teaching the Bible using songs. Here’s a cute version to watch.

This would be the first battle in the new land the Israelites were poised to conquer. I’m sure there were plenty of people who wondered if Joshua had lost his mind having them march around the city for six days in a row. But on the seventh day, that’s when the miracle would happen.

Continue reading “Joshua 6:1-27 – Jericho Falls”

Luke 9:10-17 – Hungry?

Read Luke 9:10-17

Never underestimate the power of God! Period.

I’ve loved this story since I was a child. It may be my first memory of Sunday School. Remember the felt boards? If you’re scratching your head, it was a great way to tell Bible stories. Felt boards, Bible characters, other cutout props for each story. Felt animation!

I can see it playing out, can’t you? The disciples are just back from their mission. You may recall just a few verses before Jesus had sent them out with NOTHING to teach about the Kingdom of God and to heal. Imagine the stories they came back with, eager to share with Jesus their wins! Actually, that would be God’s doing, they were just there. Continue reading “Luke 9:10-17 – Hungry?”


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