1 Corinthians 15:29-34 – What If?

Read 1 Corinthians 15:29-34

photographs of people with thought bubbles with question marks overhead

Do you ever find yourself in the “What-If Trap”? That’s when you catch yourself in some sort of doubt or worry. What if it rains when you forgot your umbrella? What if I fail my math test, will I be able to graduate? What if there is no resurrection? That’s what it seems Paul is addressing here.

Paul gives us real life examples that wouldn’t make sense in a “resurrection-less” world. These examples would have been understood better by the original recipients to the message. For us, it could be something like, “if there was no resurrection of the dead, why would we be wasting our time spreading the gospel?” If you’re wondering about verse 29, apparently there was a practice that people who were alive could be baptized in place of people who already died to give the dead people the same promise of baptism. While it happened, and Paul calls it out, note that it isn’t necessarily a practice believed to be “necessary.”

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1 Corinthians 15:20-28 – You Belong, You Rise

Read 1 Corinthians 15:20-28

a group hug

There are some challenging concepts going on in this reading, do you agree? But I love when God challenges me to listen. It’s easy when we find ourselves reading through familiar passages that we almost skim over them. This passage is not one of those we can (or should) skim over.

We’re talking our future here. We’re talking about God’s majesty over everything. That’s a lot for 9 verses! I’m finding this passage especially comforting in light of all the chaos going on around the world. Doesn’t it give you some peace to know God’s got it all under control?

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1 Corinthians 15:12-19 – No Resurrection?

Read 1 Corinthians 15:12-19

cross against a dark and cloudy sky

Are you curious like Paul, wondering how they could possibly question the resurrection? Was Paul’s own faith tested even a little by the Corinthian’s apparent unbelief?

Paul’s words make it clear he is 100% convinced. “And if Christ has not been raised, then all our preaching is useless, and your faith is useless” If Paul was totally convinced, I’m confident he would not put his life on the line every day for his faith and his mission to draw people to Jesus’ saving grace.

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2 Kings 4:8-37 😍 Revived!

Read 2 Kings 4:8-37

man standing facing a sunset with his arms outstretched

Were you a little startled by this second miracle story in Chapter 4? I thought immediately of Jesus reviving people from the dead, but here we see Elisha tapping into that same power of God. What a beautiful story of helping bring faith into the lives of people!

The life of a prophet was difficult. This wealthy, unnamed woman from Shunem had the means to make his life a little more comfortable and to show kindness. She recognized Elisha as special and called him “man of God.” She clearly showed respect; I don’t think that she had any selfish motives, do you?

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