Are you curious like Paul, wondering how they could possibly question the resurrection? Was Paul’s own faith tested even a little by the Corinthian’s apparent unbelief?
Paul’s words make it clear he is 100% convinced. “And if Christ has not been raised, then all our preaching is useless, and your faith is useless” If Paul was totally convinced, I’m confident he would not put his life on the line every day for his faith and his mission to draw people to Jesus’ saving grace.
How about you? We’ve already been thinking about how we feel about the resurrection. Do you agree with Paul who claims our faith DEPENDS on the resurrection? We can have total confidence in what Jesus’ promised for our destiny as believers and followers. Through the Holy Spirit, we understand what this inheritance means for us.
What would be one of the consequences we’d be facing without the resurrection? Paul suggests the answer — “still guilty of your sins.” We’d be walking around with no hope. The weight of our sins would be weighing us down. Without the joy of our salvation we’d be lost, simply putting on a happy face every day to try and fool ourselves and others.
I’d much prefer to live a life where just the mere thought of how much God loves me brings a smile to my face. Not to mention, that I’m a forgiven sinner who will one day be in the actual presence of Jesus forever! Those are treasures too great to imagine not having access to. False hope, some would say. I think not.
Without Jesus’ death and resurrection our faith would be senseless. Without the resurrection, Jesus’ death would mean nothing but signify defeat. It didn’t happen that way. Instead, Jesus is the victor. For us! How does that make you feel?
Paul’s pastoral objective for the Corinthians in talking about the resurrection is different than for the Thessalonians. Here he is trying to impress upon them that the resurrection is critical to their faith rather than comfort them about whether their ancestors, who are long since buried, will also be raised. This shows Paul’s deeper connection to know the best message for the situation.
Think of your associations. What is the best way to connect with them to make sure they understand the gospel message from you, someone they know and trust?

Let’s pray …
Father God, thank you for your perfect plan that gives me the hope of my salvation. Jesus’ sacrifice for me and victory over sin and death is the greatest miracle of all. And God, you’ve got lots of great miracles for us to give thanks. Help me see the needs of those around me and a way to reach them where they are at. In Jesus’ name. Amen.