Were you a little startled by this second miracle story in Chapter 4? I thought immediately of Jesus reviving people from the dead, but here we see Elisha tapping into that same power of God. What a beautiful story of helping bring faith into the lives of people!
The life of a prophet was difficult. This wealthy, unnamed woman from Shunem had the means to make his life a little more comfortable and to show kindness. She recognized Elisha as special and called him “man of God.” She clearly showed respect; I don’t think that she had any selfish motives, do you?
It would not be uncommon to want to show appreciation for such accommodation. To promise a child was apparently the perfect choice offered by God through Elisha. Although the woman was afraid to even imagine having such a gift. This is not the first of the birth stories in the Bible (recall Isaac, Samson, and Samuel).
Can you imagine how she felt when Elisha told her, “Next year at this time you will be holding a son in your arms!” I have to guess that she had been praying for a son, and up to this moment God had not granted her request.
The relationship that Elisha built with this family made a huge impact. This woman trusted him and knew when her son died that Elisha was the only person that could help. Do you think her faith was so strong she believed her son would be revived? Elisha wasn’t a medical doctor, but he did have access to the power of God. That is the best power of all.
While it may seem odd to have such a story in the middle of the Old Testament accounts of war and death, it’s a good reminder that God is a God of compassion. He has always been loving toward his people. He has always wanted the best for us.
Does your soul need a little reviving today? Are you feeling a bit disillusioned or lost? Does God seem far away? He’s not.
Take some time to reflect on this story. Ask God to revive your soul and ignite his Spirit within you. Breathe in your gift from God today! He has given you life! How will you respond?

Let’s pray …
Lord, what a gift you gave the woman in our story! Twice! I thank you for all the gifts you have given me over and over. Help me to be appreciative and honor you in how I live my life. I love you, Lord. In Jesus’ name. Amen.