Luke 7:1-17 – Is My Faith Amazing?

Read Luke 7:1-17

We’ve got two stories today with similarities and differences.

Both have a miracle done by Jesus. Both miracles were done to help the less fortunate (a slave and a widow’s only son).

But the differences are many. In the first story Jesus was asked for healing, the second was initiated by Jesus out of his own compassion. One was sick and one was dead. One was done with Jesus present, the other by faith alone.

I could go on. But suffice it to say that miracles happen when God intervenes. I know of present day miracles happening all the time, too. It’s sad we don’t hear about them like we hear about all the shootings, scandals and evil in the world.

What spoke to you today perhaps in a new way?

I liked how the Roman official cared and believed. Not only did he care for his slave, he expected Jesus wouldn’t give a Roman officer the time of day so he sent Jewish messengers to ask for help. Then, before Jesus arrived at the house, he sent “friends” who spoke for him saying they were not worthy for a visit from the Lord, but instead, if Jesus spoke it so, it would be accomplished.

Jesus was amazed by this man’s faith. He even told the crowd following, “I tell you, I haven’t seen faith like this in all Israel!” I want to have that kind of faith! A faith that amazes Jesus. How about you?

So how can I amaze Jesus today? What changes do I need to make in my life, in how I think, how I act, how I relate to others, how I spend my time? I have often asked, “What would Jesus do?” in a situation. And, I always strive to live in a manner that pleases him. But pleasing God and amazing God are completely different.

Believe without a doubt. The voice of God is the final say. If God says move, we move. No back talk. There have been times when I felt led to do something I knew I couldn’t do. I wondered how in the world it would ever get done. There is no need to wonder. If it’s God’s idea, it will work, despite our own weaknesses. Those experiences are ones I treasure looking back.

Focus today on ways you can amaze God and then go and do!

Let’s pray. Father God I yearn for you in a new way today. I cling to your promise to never leave or forsake me. As you had compassion on that widow, I pray you will find me where I am and help me with the projects I am working on. I ask you to bless them so that together we can help more people. I feel you moving and teaching me every step of the way. Thank you for the changes you are making in my heart and mind. Bring me to the people you have for me to help. Use me to be that healing touch or life change they need. Thank you for your blessings. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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