Proverbs 19:15-29 – Fear the Lord!

Read Proverbs 19:15-29

I came across a great explanation of what it means to fear the Lord by brother Jonathan Crosby. He says, “The fear of the LORD is belief in the Creator God of the Bible with an awestruck consciousness of His glory and greatness and a loving desire to obey all He requires to please and worship Him and avoid disappointing Him in any way. It is like the humble adoration and affection that good children give a loving yet authoritative father.”

Think of this as we unpack the verse for today, verse 23.  It reads, “Fear of the Lord leads to life, bringing security and protection from harm.” Unfortunately, this security does not mean we won’t encounter troubles and challenges in this life. The promise here is that when we fear the Lord, we have life with him forever. It is then that we are forever safe and secure, protected from harm.

Continue reading “Proverbs 19:15-29 – Fear the Lord!”

Luke 13:1-9 – The Barren Tree

Read Luke 13:1-9

People are born, they live, and then they die. How and when we die is not something we can predict. Jesus brings up two situations where people were tragically killed, perhaps “before” their time. Many times we see people die today in car accidents, from disease when young, or other disastrous circumstances. Do we ever ask ourselves, “were they more of a sinner than me?” I hope not.

Jesus is warning us in these verses to not focus on the fate of others. We are only responsible for ourselves, so that is where the focus should be. It’s like that in life. We all know a busy body, right? That person who just has to be in everyone else’s business. They are likely to have an opinion or two on how people are living their lives,  too. May this passage speak to them and urge them to stop such ungodly behavior! Continue reading “Luke 13:1-9 – The Barren Tree”


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