Proverbs 19:15-29 – Fear the Lord!

Read Proverbs 19:15-29

I came across a great explanation of what it means to fear the Lord by brother Jonathan Crosby. He says, “The fear of the LORD is belief in the Creator God of the Bible with an awestruck consciousness of His glory and greatness and a loving desire to obey all He requires to please and worship Him and avoid disappointing Him in any way. It is like the humble adoration and affection that good children give a loving yet authoritative father.”

Think of this as we unpack the verse for today, verse 23.  It reads, “Fear of the Lord leads to life, bringing security and protection from harm.” Unfortunately, this security does not mean we won’t encounter troubles and challenges in this life. The promise here is that when we fear the Lord, we have life with him forever. It is then that we are forever safe and secure, protected from harm.

For us to fear God, we must know him. I think of all the people walking around this planet who do not have a relationship with God. Some may even call themselves “spiritual,” perhaps looking at different religions or understanding the ways of other cultures. But there is only one God, the God of the Bible. He desires to have a relationship with each of his children, with you and me.

We can learn about God and grow closer to him by spending time in his word and cherishing his creation. Can you truly fathom the intricate nature of the world around you? We have only begun to scratch the surface in figuring out how everything works. Scientists uncover new truths daily. From the cells in our bodies to the galaxies of space, God created it all. When you think that God, in all his majesty and wisdom, loves us, too, it’s almost too hard to comprehend.

God has a plan for each of us to be with him forever. That is the life we are promised when we follow him and fear him. Solomon was given great words here. Our greatest life is a life spent following God, getting to know him. That is a satisfied life. Yet, we are obediently preparing ourselves for an even greater life to come–the one Solomon speaks of with security and protection, eternal life.  

How are you spending your time in the here and now? Are you spinning your wheels and only going through the motions? Have you seriously asked God to lead your path and walk with you? Are you in awe of God and what is he is doing in your life? Take some time today to spend in quiet reflection of how you are responding to God’s love. Do you fear him?

Let’s pray … Lord, I revere you and all that you are doing in my life. You amaze me time and again at your faithfulness and provision. I know my best life is yet to come, and I am doing all can now to prepare and be ready. Help me to make life a living sacrifice to you and your tender mercy. I know that you live in me. Direct my path, use my words and my actions to draw others to yourself. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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