Numbers 6:22-27 – A Blessing for You

Read Numbers 6:22-27

“Then God said to Moses,” is such a full statement in and of itself. The word “then” suggests something particular has happened before this moment. The mere thought of God speaking to a human like this is another whole story to unpack. And God’s choice to give this message to Moses for his own brother and family. That is a lot for just one sentence.

What God told Moses to tell his brother Aaron becomes something beautiful we can all be blessed by. God meant it here to be a priestly blessing for Aaron and his sons to give to the people, themselves included. God knows the job of priest is not for the faint of heart and will take great devotion and sacrifice. More than ever, they themselves will need to cling to these words of blessing. Continue reading “Numbers 6:22-27 – A Blessing for You”

Numbers 6:1-21 – What’s a Nazirite?

Read Numbers 6:1-21

According to our text, a Nazirite is someone who takes a special vow, “setting themselves apart to the Lord in a special way.”  So long as they keep their vow intact, they are given certain requirements of things they can and can’t do, including food and drink.

While the requirements are not at all “undoable,” they would require certain behaviors to change making the vow harder to keep for some than others. Especially hard would be times of mourning at the loss of a family member. Continue reading “Numbers 6:1-21 – What’s a Nazirite?”

Numbers 5:1-31 – Purity & Marriage

Read Numbers 5:1-31

Just the title of this reflection may conjure up thoughts and opinions, especially when we think of these terms as related. God was certainly interested in purity, wanting his people to be cleansed of their sin, living lives that were set apart from the lives of those who were far from God. Being “pure” seemed to make you more “holy” in God’s eyes.

There are some occasions for displaying purity involving the interaction with others. From touching a dead person and being defiled to being jealous and needing to expose your spouse, these words from God are quite intense. Continue reading “Numbers 5:1-31 – Purity & Marriage”

Numbers 4:1-49 – Clan Duties

Read Numbers 4:1-49

Why do they have to die? I’ve always wondered that. The LORD said, “The Kohathites must never enter the sanctuary to look at the sacred objects for even a moment, or they will die.” The LORD also wanted them to be safe and gave them the way out, to always be in the company of Aaron or one of his sons. This command speaks to God’s holiness and how to preserve and honor it. It also shows God’s concern for his children.

The three clans of Levites are further singled out and given jobs to do with respect to moving the tabernacle. When we see the great number of men eligible for service, it would seem this tabernacle structure in the middle of the desert is really quite something. Having a clear expectation of duties alleviates anyone being left without a job to do and assures that the tabernacle’s holiness is preserved as it moves from place to place. Continue reading “Numbers 4:1-49 – Clan Duties”

Numbers 3:14-51 – Being a Levite

Read Numbers 3:14-51

You may recall that I love genealogies and uncovering family history. I suppose that interest is even more pronounced being far from family living in the present. It’s relaxing and comforting to look back and imagine how my ancestors lived, what they were passionate about. This passage gives us some family background information to help us understand more about being a Levite.

Descendants of Levi, one of Jacob’s twelve sons, were called on by God in a special way. This passage gives us the names of these early tribal leaders of Levi’s lineage. Imagine how many generations have passed now since the days God assigned the Levites their duties and expectations. They were no longer free from the control and service of God. What an honor to have been chosen! Continue reading “Numbers 3:14-51 – Being a Levite”


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