Numbers 20:1-13 – One Wrong Move

red road sign that says "WRONG WAY"

Read Numbers 20:1-13

Moses has been so obedient up to now. What happened that he decided to do something other than what God had commanded? That one slip up cost Moses dearly. He will never himself see the Promised Land God promised his people. It was more than a “slip up” though, wasn’t it?

Moses and Aaron did so much right in this instance. When the people continued to challenge them and the LORD’s provision, Moses and Aaron went immediately to the Tabernacle and humbled themselves before the LORD to wait for direction. “Then the glorious presence of the Lord appeared to them.” Imagine the rush of excitement to again be in the presence of the LORD!

Moses took the staff before the people as God commanded. He got that part right. Remember how God had deemed this blooming staff would represent his holiness. That day, God wanted the staff to be a reminder of his presence. The power and purity of God’s command spoken over the rock was the intended means of bringing forth water. Never once did God say to use the staff to hit the rock.

Moses’ action may not seem that “over the top,” but it was not God’s direction. Moses did his own thing. The people witnessed Moses’ rebel action causing the water to flow. Moses also chose to berate the people. It seems Moses acted in a way he felt appropriate, but going “off script” ended up disappointing to the LORD greatly. For that, Moses was punished.

We should glean wisdom and learn from Moses’ grand mistake. If we receive clear direction from the LORD, we should listen. Many times, we find ourselves trying to “play God” by making decisions that go against his perfect will. Getting to know God’s heart and character from reading Scripture is a good place for us to start in understanding his direction for our lives.

Even the apostle Paul used this wilderness example in teaching the Corinthians, yet he pointed to Jesus. In 1 Corinthians 10:4 which says, “and all of them drank the same spiritual water. For they drank from the spiritual rock that traveled with them, and that rock was Christ.”  Paul’s goal was to keep the people of his day from craving evil or worshipping idols.

Moses’ example shows us that even our best intentions can displease the LORD. We need to be careful to not overstep our own authority but rely more on God. Trusting in the LORD is what he desires from us, even when we don’t understand why things are happening the way they do.

colorful animation of prayer hands and hearts and flowersLet’s pray. Lord, you are wise and powerful, and I want to honor and respect you completely. Forgive me for the times I have acted in ways I think are helpful but do nothing to further your kingdom. Help me to focus on what you desire for my life. Reveal yourself to me through your Word, and open my heart and mind to accept and act as you lead. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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