Numbers 5:1-31 – Purity & Marriage

Read Numbers 5:1-31

Just the title of this reflection may conjure up thoughts and opinions, especially when we think of these terms as related. God was certainly interested in purity, wanting his people to be cleansed of their sin, living lives that were set apart from the lives of those who were far from God. Being “pure” seemed to make you more “holy” in God’s eyes.

There are some occasions for displaying purity involving the interaction with others. From touching a dead person and being defiled to being jealous and needing to expose your spouse, these words from God are quite intense. Continue reading “Numbers 5:1-31 – Purity & Marriage”

Leviticus 11:1-46 – Detestable Animals

Read Leviticus 11:1-46

We’ve entered a new section of this law book to speak of the problem of uncleanliness and what to do about it. In our day, we tend to think of “unclean” in terms of hygiene or sanitation.

It’s hard for us to wrap our minds around this concept and why God would find it so important to reveal to his people. When something is unclean in the Biblical sense, it has only to do with a person’s relationship with God and not the extent of germs present. Continue reading “Leviticus 11:1-46 – Detestable Animals”


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