Numbers 4:1-49 – Clan Duties

Read Numbers 4:1-49

Why do they have to die? I’ve always wondered that. The LORD said, “The Kohathites must never enter the sanctuary to look at the sacred objects for even a moment, or they will die.” The LORD also wanted them to be safe and gave them the way out, to always be in the company of Aaron or one of his sons. This command speaks to God’s holiness and how to preserve and honor it. It also shows God’s concern for his children.

The three clans of Levites are further singled out and given jobs to do with respect to moving the tabernacle. When we see the great number of men eligible for service, it would seem this tabernacle structure in the middle of the desert is really quite something. Having a clear expectation of duties alleviates anyone being left without a job to do and assures that the tabernacle’s holiness is preserved as it moves from place to place. Continue reading “Numbers 4:1-49 – Clan Duties”


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