Day 2 🌲 Silent Night

black outline of nativity against background of bright colorful lights

The second Christmas Carol we’ll reflect on is Silent Night. This beloved carol was written in 1816 by a young priest in Austria, Joseph Mohr. Franz Gruber was the organist responsible for such a memorable melody. I don’t know about you, but when I hear this song, it’s like I’m transported into the closing moments of any Christmas Eve service gone by. The lights go dim, and I stand there in the dark of a silent night, holding my own candle while singing “Silent Night.”

Now that we’re in Mexico, the same tune is used for a very similar song called Noche De Paz, Noche De Amor (Night of Peace, Night of Love). In our worship Christmas Eve this year, I was brought to tears by the lyrics once again! So simple, yet profound!

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Day 1 🌲 O Little Town of Bethlehem

O Little Town of Bethlehem with a star

Merry Christmas!!

Fun Fact! The 12 Days of Christmas start on Christmas Day (if you’re following a liturgical calendar). As your 12 Days of Christmas begin this year, let’s take pause to explore the lyrics of some of our favorite Christmas carols. There is a richness I’m only now beginning to fully appreciate (and, as my kids tell me, “I’m old.”).

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December 25 🌟 Eternal Word (John 1:1-14)

Read John 1:1-14

in the beginning was the WORD

Merry Christmas!! I love this reading from John’s gospel. John takes a little different approach to the story of Jesus’ birth. His incarnation as a baby was not the beginning. Not even close. Jesus was with God, was God, at the creation of all that exists.

As we have journeyed together this Advent, we have read about John, the man God sent to “tell about the light so that everyone might believe because of his testimony.” Jesus is that light. “The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness can never extinguish it.” We certainly are living in times of darkness in need of a Savior!

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Wise Men: Follow the Light

Read Matthew 2:1-12

wise men on camels following star

Many around the world witnessed what was being called the Christmas star this year (2020). While it was bright and spectacular, it lasted for just a short time. The star these wise men, also known as magi or royal astrologers, spoke of had been burning bright for some time. “We saw his star as it rose, and we have come to worship him.” Jesus’ star was not a one night affair as we experienced this year. It was a sign for these wise men announcing the birth of a king!

Of course, King Herod was surprised. He knew the arrival of the Messiah was highly anticipated by the Jews. Herod, pronounced as “king of the Jews” by Rome, was not in the line of David. So he was “technically” not a true king in the eyes of the Jewish community. He was also known to be quite self serving. We can see his true colors coming out a bit in his sudden interest in another king. Some might even call it jealousy!

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Jesus: The Word

Read John 1:1-18

In the beginning was the Word (hand of God)

There are so many nuggets of truth in this reading! Such a great passage for today (I’m writing this on Christmas Day)! John’s “nativity” is not quite the same as Luke and Matthew, but it’s riveting. It speaks to who Jesus, the Word, was. “In the beginning the Word already existed. The Word was with God, and the Word was God.” In Hebrew thought, the “Word’ was how God revealed himself to the people. Jesus became the revelation of God in human form. When we look at Jesus we see God’s holiness personified.

This next part really gives me hope. “The Word gave life to everything that was created, and his life brought light to everyone. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness can never extinguish it.” Knowing Jesus is victorious helps us endure the darkness of our days. We are often confused by the distortions of the world concerning our reality and eternity. We need to focus on Jesus.

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