John 12:1-8 – Extravagant Worship

jar of perfume in blue designer bottle

Read John 12:1-8

We are approaching the beginning of Holy Week 2023. During this time every year, we remember the sacrifice and miracle that took place because of how much God loves us. Beginning with Palm Sunday, we’ll walk together with Luke and the other gospel writers through some of the events of Jesus’ last week. It’s our special time to reflect on the immense sacrifice Jesus made to pay for our freedom from sin and death.

Our reading today sets the scene for what is to come and challenges us in our own worship practices. The Passover celebration was about to start, and little did the folks attending this dinner party know these were Jesus’ final days. Jesus knew, and his startling words about his burial must have shocked his friends.

Can you picture the scene? Jesus would have been the guest of honor, probably because the family was still rejoicing that he had brought Lazarus back to life. Lazarus would have a new lease on life, thankful he had been given a second chance. His sisters would be overcome with delight in having their brother back. Imagine how deep their love and gratitude for Jesus actually went.

Of course, Martha would be serving. That’s what Martha did. You may recall elsewhere in Scripture where hard feelings erupted between the sisters because Martha did all the work while Mary sat and enjoyed Jesus’ company. But Martha’s gift was hospitality, and to be the one to prepare and serve would be her offering to the kingdom. We all serve the kingdom when we use the gifts the Spirit gives.

Our story in this text focuses on Mary and her extravagant act. To some, it was ridiculous and unwise. To Jesus, it was precious. Bringing our honor and praise to Jesus is exactly what our worship is all about. It’s not about us. When we worship, we need to find a way to close out the world and simply give God our full attention. Mary shows us a beautiful and intimate way to do that.

Mary didn’t care about what people thought. She didn’t question the choice of songs or hymns or who was sitting where. She didn’t hold back. Mary simply worshipped her king. Not only did Mary pour out an expensive perfume in what seemed to be a wasteful manner, she made her devotion known for all to see. Jesus was not only anointed and prepared for burial, he was moved.

How often have you worshiped like that? Have you ever totally let go of what might be “proper worship etiquette” to let the Holy Spirit move you? Mary showed us it’s more than okay to do that. She had the honor and privilege to wipe Jesus’ very feet with her hair. She was in the presence of God’s son. How can you not be overcome with emotion?

As Christ-followers, are we as extravagant as Mary? What does your “perfume” look like? Over these next few days, dig deeper as you walk together with Jesus through his final days on earth. That may mean spending more time in prayer, taking time to be quiet to listen for God’s still voice. That may mean listening to praise music or watching a Jesus film to help you feel more connected. That may mean taking a walk in nature where you close out all distractions except the beauty of God’s creation.

What does extravagant worship look like for you?

colorful animation of prayer hands and hearts and flowers

Let’s pray! Lord, forgive me for being so busy at times that spending time worshipping you becomes difficult. I want spending time with you to be my number one priority. I love those times when I can just shut out the world and focus on what you’ve done. Your Word is so precious to me, giving me such insights into your character and desire for my life. Help me to stay still and focused on you as Resurrection Day approaches. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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