Luke 19:11-27 – Are You Using Your Gifts?

Read Luke 19:11-27

This may be a wake up call for some of us. I found it interesting that Jesus used this as an illustration that the kingdom is not yet fully here. But the more I ponder and reflect, I see the correlation. Jesus wants us to think about how we act and respond to his gifting while we wait for his return. When he returns, the kingdom of God will be fully realized.

What else was strange to me is that he had ten servants but we only hear from three. I wonder why Luke used ten when the Matthew text used only three. Sometimes I get stuck on details that really don’t matter. I’m guessing if Jesus were to have told about the results of all ten, there would be varying degrees of success. Since the nobleman told them to invest it for him, I’m hoping none of the other servants disobeyed and hid their share.

So what does this say for us today? I would say we need to take a look at the gifts we have received. What skills or talents has God given to you? Are you using them to further the kingdom and serve others or are you saving it for a rainy day or until you have more time to serve? Take a moment to reflect on how you are responding to God’s provision.

This passage can be used to talk about earthly wealth, too. After all, everything is from God, including our success. While our riches on earth are temporary and we “can’t take it with us,” we will be accountable for how we handle it. Jesus tells us via the king, “to those who use well what they are given, even more will be given. But from those who do nothing, even what little they have will be taken away.”

We should be moved to act and not sit around doing nothing. We have all been given gifts from God. No one has been forgotten. Many forget God, leave their gift unopened, or for some other reason never use the gift. If you are still uncertain how God has gifted you, there are many Spiritual Gift inventories to review. Through a series of questions, you will focus on tasks and situations that you are passionate about vs. not interested in at all. It can be enlightening even for those who think they know how God has gifted them. There may be some unrealized gifts yet to be tapped.

Spend time today thinking about your gifts and how you can use them to serve others.

Let’s pray. Father I thank you that you have given me some awesome gifts to use to help further your kingdom. When you return, I want you to be proud of my efforts, not for my own glory and recognition, but for how many people I can serve and introduce to you. For those that know you but are not yet in a healthy relationship with you, I pray for them to feel your touch upon their lives. This world is so broken, Lord, we need you. May all your servants find strength in you to move the kingdom forward until that day you return. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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