Psalm 89:1-4 – The Promised King

Read Psalm 89:1-4

We can never hear these words too many times. God is faithful forever, and his love for us will never end. That is the best news! It doesn’t matter if we’re stuck in traffic, wondering how we’re going to pay the bills, or trying to make a big life decision. God is right there beside us, always faithful.

What a great Advent theme of praise for us to dwell in God’s unfailing love. Sending Jesus was an act of that great love playing out for all to see. It wasn’t a random act or baseless whim. God’s intention was brewing centuries before Jesus came to fulfill these words of the psalmist. The psalmist wasn’t sharing new information either. God had made this promise to King David of a never-ending dynasty. Neither David nor the psalmist knew it would be Jesus, the Son of God. Continue reading “Psalm 89:1-4 – The Promised King”

2 Chronicles 9:13-31 – Over the Top!

Read 2 Chronicles 9:13-31

I admit I got caught up in the details of this reading. I can’t fathom that many horses and that much gold! To say Solomon was a wealthy king is a definite understatement. After all, the LORD promised him wealth in addition to the wisdom Solomon had asked for. God always keeps his promises.

Perhaps I am amazed because I live in a developing nation and witness poverty every day, not elaborate palaces. I see how people live simply and contentedly. God has miraculously taken away any desire or expectation for extravagant wealth my heart may have ever had, too. Just perfect for a couple of missionaries situated in Mexico!

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Lamentations 4:1-22 – Punishment for Sin

Read Lamentations 4:1-22

Some of the verses of this lament were very hard to read. I won’t quote those horrific scenes, but they will haunt me when I think of the punishment God’s people endured for their sinfulness. When we read passages like this, we often want to run immediately to the New Testament and fill up on some grace. Instead, take a moment to reflect on what God is saying to you today.

This lament is written from the viewpoint of the misery affecting the citizens of Zion. We see the fate of several different classes of people mentioned. Escaping this reality was not an option, even for the rich and powerful. These terrible things were punishment and a direct result of the people’s sinfulness.

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Hebrews 6:13-20 – Rely on God’s Promises

Read Hebrews 6:13-20

It might help to recall verse 12 from our last reading to “follow the example of those who are going to inherit God’s promises because of their faith and endurance.” Now it makes sense why the Preacher called out Abraham. You’ll recall Abraham and Sarah waited 25 years from the time God promised to multiply his descendants to the birth of Isaac. That was obedience we can learn from, too!

God is in the business of keeping his promises. We can be sure of that. The Preacher reminds us God sealed his promise to Abraham with an oath. In ancient times, when people wanted to guarantee their promise or give value to their word, they might swear by the divine name. Putting God’s name on your promise was intended to give it more authority. To break an oath would be extremely dishonoring to God. God cannot lie!

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