Hebrews 10:32-39 – Patient Endurance

Read Hebrews 10:32-39

“Think back on those early days when you first learned about Christ.” Some of us don’t remember that day because Jesus has always been a part of our lives. Yet others of us have a distinct moment when all the dots connected and we knew we had finally met the one who would change our lives forever. No matter what your “coming to Jesus” experience is, the good news is we are here. Keep focused on the joy and overflowing blessing we have for being Christ followers.

Many are not. Many are still moving around aimlessly in life unsure of their purpose or destiny. Are you like me, desperate to be more of a light in the darkness? Maybe you’re still lost in the darkness, looking toward the light wondering how it is possible that God can love you? Our message for hope comes from John 3:16, (paraphrased) God loves us so much that he sent his Son Jesus to save us all. Are you ready for that salvation?

Continue reading “Hebrews 10:32-39 – Patient Endurance”

Hebrews 6:13-20 – God’s Promises

Read Hebrews 6:13-20

Did you know that Abraham waited 25 years from the time God promised to multiply his descendants until he had his first son? That was patience! That was obedience! That was God being true to his word. We can always be sure God will keep his promises.

There are many things in life we can not be sure of. You may have had a life experience when you were trusting in someone or something only to be hurt in some way. It’s not the same with God. I especially like the image of an anchor. “This hope is a strong and trustworthy anchor for our souls.” We can have confidence in this hope for God will not disappoint. We can be grounded in the truth that God loves us and has our best interest in mind. Continue reading “Hebrews 6:13-20 – God’s Promises”

Ruth 3:14-18 – Hard to Wait

Read Ruth 3:14-18

Now we wait. Ruth has had her encounter with her prospective redeemer. He has sent her on her way with a good share of barley to keep her and Naomi well satisfied. Do you think Naomi stayed up waiting for Ruth to come home like an expectant parent waiting for a child to return from a date or the prom, or some other big event?

What do you think  Ruth was feeling? Was she a tad excited to know that her future would soon be revealed to her–at least in terms of her future husband. Either it would be the man she had come to know and trust by working diligently in his field or some other relative who had graciously stepped up to the plate to care for her and redeem her. It’s all so different from what we experience in our culture today. But waiting is waiting. Continue reading “Ruth 3:14-18 – Hard to Wait”

Luke 18:1-8 – Persistence with Patience

Read Luke 18:1-8

I absolutely love this passage! Persistence with patience is a beautiful pair. We are reminded that sometimes our prayers are not a once and done sort of thing. God doesn’t necessarily just jump to justice when we first ask. We need to patiently wait for his answer and be persistent in our asking. Jesus gives us this example for a reason.

Now if you are a parent or have taken care of children at any time in your life, you have witnessed persistence at its finest. Children have a fantastic knack of asking and asking for things, like a cookie before dinner, or another glass of water at bedtime. Do we cave in? Do we stand firm? Do we look at the justice being served, or the harm being done, in responding to the request? Continue reading “Luke 18:1-8 – Persistence with Patience”

James 5:7-12 – Be Patient – He’s Coming

Read James 5:7-12

This is a lesson I need to hear every day. I don’t know about you, but I am definitely not a patient person. I have gotten better over the years, way better. I don’t take an alternate route anymore when I see a red light ahead!!

The patience in today’s passage is a little bit more focused. Jesus is coming again, and we need to wait patiently for him. I think of all the saints who have gone before me, waiting their whole life for Jesus to return. Nobody know when he will come, although many have tried to guess and project based on clues they felt were given to us.

Rather than spin our wheels trying to figure out when, we need to embrace the assurance that it will be when God says so. His wisdom is far greater than any mortal’s, and whether it is in my life time or in the ages to come, I want to be ready.

For most of my life, I have been Lutheran Christian, and the church year has clearly defined seasons, known as the liturgical year. The season preceding Christmas is called Advent. As I write this reflection today, we are smack dab in the middle of Advent, a season of waiting and preparing for the second coming.

As I read this passage, it seems a perfect fit for Advent. How patient are you being at waiting?

[I’ll be doing another post or two on Advent in a few days, and then starting the book of Luke to take us into Christmas.]

The other focus of this reading today is endurance. There are so many distractions that divert our focus from the truth. These distractions can cripple us when we go through struggles and trials. If our life line to God himself has been clouded, we often feel hopeless, alone and our direction is lost. We are not able to endure on our own.

We can look to the example of Job. No matter what came his way, he never lost faith in the God who would redeem and save him. In the end, after losing everything and then some, he was rewarded greatly. We, too, can look forward to a great reward, whether we see it in this life or in eternity. Stay strong, stay focused, keep the faith!

My final thought for today is from the wisdom of verse 9.  Don’t grumble about each other, brothers and sisters, or you will be judged. For look—the Judge is standing at the door!” As we head into the holiday season, many of us will be surrounded with family and friends. Some of us will struggle with relationships, difference of opinion, and missed opportunities. Try to remember to take the high road – don’t grumble about or with each other.

There is so much joy to life that can be found if only we open our eyes. We need to wait patiently for our Lord to return. While we wait, our lives need to clearly reflect a life that is pleasing to God. Are you waiting patiently?

Let’s pray. Father God, thank you for your promise that you will return. May I wait patiently and with an expectation of hope. Thank you for the joy inside me that wells up at the thought of you living inside me, using me for your purposes, and giving me the assurance of life with you forever. I pray that you will help me find those people who don’t have that joy so that together we can fill them up, too. Help me to avoid diversions that are not helpful and keep my eyes focused clearly on you and your will for me. In Jesus’ name. Amen.


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