Numbers 3:1-13 – Calling the Levites

Read Numbers 3:1-13

This reading was helpful for me. It connected some dots about the origins of the relationship between Levites and the priests. I love the collaboration and bond that grew out of God’s desired leadership for his people. Of course, God knew that Aaron would need help.

Moses and Aaron were clearly favored individuals in God’s eyes. They were given such important jobs in helping the people along on their faith and life journey. Faith was always meant to be part of our lives. Out of that faith comes our devotion. Today we look to church leadership, online pastors, and Bible teachers to help us understand God and introduce the importance of being in a right relationship with God. Continue reading “Numbers 3:1-13 – Calling the Levites”

Ezekiel 45:9-25 – Duties and Responsibilities

Read Ezekiel 45:9-25

Have you ever been assigned a task with no clear instructions left to figure it out on your own? It can be frustrating. The potential for failure is great. This part of Ezekiel’s vision is setting leadership up for success.

The kingly leadership leading up to the exile did not always act in God-honoring ways. The people were not led fairly and were often taken advantage of. Yes the people strayed and worshipped other gods, but it wasn’t entirely their own fault. This vision wants to make sure there is not a repeat of such a fiasco. Continue reading “Ezekiel 45:9-25 – Duties and Responsibilities”

2 Chronicles 35:1-19 – Behind the Scenes

Read 2 Chronicles 35:1-19

King Josiah has discovered an ancient business plan that he can put in place, seamlessly employing his whole kingdom in a God-honoring way. Josiah can be “behind the scenes” and throw an amazing celebration of historic proportions.

Celebrating Passover was also found in the Chronicler’s account of King Hezekiah’s rule. He, too, celebrated Passover in a big way, but in this passage, the Chronicler makes it seem like Josiah paved the way as the first king to celebrate Passover like that. Why do you think there is a difference? Continue reading “2 Chronicles 35:1-19 – Behind the Scenes”

Matthew 26:26-29 💙 Where Jesus Is

Read Matthew 26:26-29

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The setting was the upper room. Jesus was gathered with his dearest friends and followers. This would be Jesus’ last meal with them. Jesus knew what was coming, but the disciples did not fully understand. How fitting that it was the Passover feast, complete with a spotless lamb!

What would you have thought sitting at the table that night when Jesus said, “Take this and eat it, for this is my body.” Jesus’ body? Seriously? If the disciples had been paying attention, they might recall how Jesus had been preparing them for what was to come. Jesus would soon be crucified. That, too, must have really given them pause to fully accept.

Continue reading “Matthew 26:26-29 💙 Where Jesus Is”

Deuteronomy 16:1-8 – The Passover

Read Deuteronomy 16:1-8

I like reading about the Passover tradition that Moses speaks of because it is one of those traditions we still see celebrated today by the Jewish community. I realize other festivals are also celebrated and commemorated, but it seems like the Passover, like Hanukkah, is more visible to non-Jews.

In particular, I experienced a seder meal before as presented by a Jewish Christian group years ago. I have also shared that tradition a time or two with children as part of our children’s ministry programming. These are traditions that Jesus would have celebrated with his family and friends. Somehow, just imagining that brings the festival to life for me, too. As a Christ follower, it makes our relationship more intimate, at least to me, to understand his upbringing and tradition.

Continue reading “Deuteronomy 16:1-8 – The Passover”

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