Ezekiel 45:9-25 – Duties and Responsibilities

sticky note with "TO DO" on it next to stack of papers

Read Ezekiel 45:9-25

Have you ever been assigned a task with no clear instructions left to figure it out on your own? It can be frustrating. The potential for failure is great. This part of Ezekiel’s vision is setting leadership up for success.

The kingly leadership leading up to the exile did not always act in God-honoring ways. The people were not led fairly and were often taken advantage of. Yes the people strayed and worshipped other gods, but it wasn’t entirely their own fault. This vision wants to make sure there is not a repeat of such a fiasco.

But God’s words of direction are not only to benefit leadership with instruction and purpose or to protect the people from harm. These words were to reacquaint them with the sacrificial system that would cleanse them from the sins they were likely to commit.

It’s hard for us to imagine such a system today. Even present day Jews, descendants of the Israelite nation this vision was originally addressed to, don’t do sacrifices like this. I don’t know when in their history things changed. But I do know that for Christians, Jesus came to sacrifice himself for us. Jesus paid the price for our sins with his life on the cross.

Anytime I read about the expectations surrounding sacrifices, I can’t help but see Jesus’ face. Just imagine all the animals that lost their lives as a result of this system. It’s hard to fathom, isn’t it?

This vision also speaks of festivals that are still recognized and celebrated to this day. These are traditions that Jesus and his family would have taken part in. Have you ever celebrated Passover in any way? There are some cool overlaps into Christianity, but that would be an entirely different discussion. I will just say that it is cool to see the elements of Passover through a lens of Christianity.

For reflecting, I’m going to spend time marveling over the great love of God that sent Jesus to die for me.

colorful animation of prayer hands and hearts and flowersLet’s pray. LORD, you are mighty and wise beyond my comprehension. I do marvel at your provision and your promises. I am redeemed because of your great love for me. Help me to never take you or your grace for granted. Help me to stay grounded in your love with my eyes fixed on you. Forgive me when I stumble and lose my way. I know you are my Savior and King. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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