Ezekiel 45:9-25 – Duties and Responsibilities

Read Ezekiel 45:9-25

Have you ever been assigned a task with no clear instructions left to figure it out on your own? It can be frustrating. The potential for failure is great. This part of Ezekiel’s vision is setting leadership up for success.

The kingly leadership leading up to the exile did not always act in God-honoring ways. The people were not led fairly and were often taken advantage of. Yes the people strayed and worshipped other gods, but it wasn’t entirely their own fault. This vision wants to make sure there is not a repeat of such a fiasco. Continue reading “Ezekiel 45:9-25 – Duties and Responsibilities”

Jeremiah 11:1-17 – Remember the Covenant

Read Jeremiah 11:1-17

pinky promise

How brilliant! God uses Jeremiah remind the people to remember the covenant. It is clear from their behavior that they have not given much thought to this covenant in some time. Maybe ever! The people have no excuse, the answers to life found in the covenant aren’t hidden from them.

“Cursed is anyone who does not obey the terms of my covenant!” Do they even fear or tremble at the curse? Does being obedient to God “show up on their radar” as something they aspire to be better at doing? If so, then they still have a chance to be saved from doom.

Continue reading “Jeremiah 11:1-17 – Remember the Covenant”

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