Deuteronomy 28:1-14 – The Blessings

Read Deuteronomy 28:1-14

“If you fully obey” seems to suggest that the blessings from God have a price tag. However, to have God’s blessing of protection, prosperity, and provision would seem like a wonderful reason to be obedient. Many people are enticed by rewards or positive reinforcement. God’s promise to give the land to the Israelites is a promise he kept. Now, to be set apart even more and be known for their allegiance to God and his provision, they only have to obey God.

The blessings here encompass more than just personal gain.  Israel should be blessed in the field with bountiful crops, with herds having plenty of offspring, protection from harm, even when away from home, and much more. You would think the people would be ecstatic, overflowing with joy and gratitude. After all, they have just been wandering around for many years. They were about to have a life of abundance without having to be on the move. They were going to be able to establish roots at last.

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Deuteronomy 26:1-19 – Declare, Promise, & Obey

Read Deuteronomy 26:1-19

Our reading today starts with the reminder to give back to God the first fruits. This is done to show our thanks and obedience. Even today we have our own practices of giving. The idea of bringing actual food as an offering doesn’t happen, at least in the culture I grew up. Instead, we give our money, a portion of the wealth God has blessed us with, as an offering.

When we bring our gifts, we should remember and declare, as is shown here, what God has done for us. He has surely rescued us from harm, given us great blessing, and loved us when we weren’t the most lovable. We all have a story. I’m sure there are many stories we can think of where God has intervened. We may not have realized it at the time, but looking back we know it had to be God. We should never forget how God has moved in our lives, just like Moses is telling the people to never forget Egypt and God’s hand of deliverance.

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Deuteronomy 18:9-14 – Holy Living

Read Deuteronomy 18:9-14

What God wants more than anything is for us to stay focused on him. Period. God knew the people were going to cross into the promised land and be surrounded by all kinds of evil. He had to call it out here in this passage. When we don’t know something is bad for us, we can get into trouble. I think of the child burning his hand on the stove because his mom didn’t warn him it was going to be hot.

The word “detestable” is pretty strong. In the King James and the ESV  the word is “abomination.” According to the Google dictionary, the Biblical meaning of detestable is synonymous to abomination or “exceptionally loathsome, hateful, sinful, wicked, or vile.” Do you think this will stop the people or will that make it even more of an enticement?

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Deuteronomy 17:1-13 – Judicial Process

Read Deuteronomy 17:1-13

This is an example of a continuance between chapters of the same thought or theme. Our last reading was on justice, and this one will be the same. What is important to notice here is that Moses is talking more about the process and who does what. Keep in mind, the words Moses is speaking here are meant to help the people assimilate into a new reality. While they have been wandering around the desert for the last 40 years, they have not had to have such processes in place because Moses and his helpers have kept the peace and brought wisdom to the people.

Interesting to see the brief reference to sacrificing. It must have been expected that people would try to give God their second best or defective animals. Didn’t we hear previously that defective first-born animals should not be given to the Lord. Moses felt the need to repeat this again in this context as we’re talking about justice. Now, at least, we know why. They are detestable to the Lord.

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Deuteronomy 16:9-17 – More Festivals

Read Deuteronomy 16:9-17

In our last reading, we spoke of the Passover, also known as the Festival of Unleavened Bread. The two festivals in today’s reading are also still celebrated today, although there are different names associated with them, too. I’m impressed that these traditions have stood the test of time and people are still serious about honoring God during the festival times. Jewish people take their religion very seriously and are careful to keep the ancient traditions alive.

As Christians, we will soon be celebrating the season of Pentecost in our churches. While this is another name for the Festival of Weeks, in Jewish circles it is now called Shauvot. You may recall, for us, this is when the Holy Spirit filled the disciples after Jesus had ascended. There were a lot of people filling the town of Jerusalem. They were all gathering and bringing their offerings, their “first fruits,” to God for the Festival of Weeks. Fun fact, of the thousands of people who came to the Lord that day were also the “first fruits” of the believers yet to come.

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