Deuteronomy 28:1-14 – The Blessings

Read Deuteronomy 28:1-14

“If you fully obey” seems to suggest that the blessings from God have a price tag. However, to have God’s blessing of protection, prosperity, and provision would seem like a wonderful reason to be obedient. Many people are enticed by rewards or positive reinforcement. God’s promise to give the land to the Israelites is a promise he kept. Now, to be set apart even more and be known for their allegiance to God and his provision, they only have to obey God.

The blessings here encompass more than just personal gain.  Israel should be blessed in the field with bountiful crops, with herds having plenty of offspring, protection from harm, even when away from home, and much more. You would think the people would be ecstatic, overflowing with joy and gratitude. After all, they have just been wandering around for many years. They were about to have a life of abundance without having to be on the move. They were going to be able to establish roots at last.

Imagine not being in want for anything. Imagine having plenty of money that you never had to borrow to buy a car or a house. Imagine being victorious in all the battles you face. What does that feel like to have what you need and have the assurance that your needs will be satisfied? Take a moment to truly picture what emotions would be flowing through your heart and mind.

For those that relish the idea of being superior, having power, wealth and recognition, God’ blessings would be right up their alley. People on the outside would look in and see this abundance. “Then all the nations of the world will see that you are a people claimed by the Lord, and they will stand in awe of you.” The only way to explain such success would be God. God gets the glory.

God gets the glory. It’s easy to want to claim credit for something magnificent that has happened to us, isn’t it? Maybe we see it as a being a result of our own power. Take a moment to remember where that power comes from. It’s different for us. We have Jesus. He sent the Holy Spirit to be our power. We can call upon that.

How much does the obedience piece come into play today? Are our blessings dependent upon our obedience? Whether they are or not, if we are truly followers of Christ, and love God with our whole heart, soul, and mind, we should want to be obedient. We should want to know what God wants for us. We should want to draw closer and strengthen our relationship with God as priority one. Do we do it? Why not? What gets in our way?

Have a gratitude grapple session today. What are you most thankful for? Where do you see God working in your life?

Let’s pray … Lord, I come to you. Change my heart and renew my mind. I want to see clearly your will for my life. Thank you for the blessings I see surrounding me. May I not take them for granted. I want my life to reflect you in it. I want people to see me and wonder what is it that I have because they want it. Build my confidence and my circle of influence. May I attract the people to me that I can be a blessing for. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

2 thoughts on “Deuteronomy 28:1-14 – The Blessings”

  1. I appreciate your words of encouragement and wisdom.
    Pastor Stephen kabakira
    God cares ministries international church karelwe -Kampala UGANDA East Africa.

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