We see today more of what is going to happen on the “other side.” You can read the actual accounts of these things happening in the Book of Joshua. So that’s pretty cool. Moses is painting the picture of what is to come. I’m sure the people are curious and possibly even anxious about it. Up to this point, Moses had been laying out God’s rules and expectations for the people living in their new land. Today, they learn what they should do when they get there.
We hear about the large stones being used to write down the law at Mount Ebal. There would be plaster involved and no tools were to be used. We could speculate all day long why. I imagine it was because God wanted the stones to be natural, yet covered with plaster for ease of writing. If a craftsman came in, they would try to make the rocks beautiful and perhaps detract from God’s message. That’s pretty profound. Don’t we often get distracted today with the bells and whistles or decorations and traditions thus forgetting the truth of God’s loving kindness, redemption, and will for our lives?
Moses had the Levitical priests beside him to deliver the proclamation as follows: “O Israel, be quiet and listen! Today you have become the people of the Lord your God. So you must obey the Lord your God by keeping all these commands and decrees that I am giving you today.” I think my head would be swimming. Good thing they were going to write everything down on those big stones.
Did you find yourself looking ahead to see if the next chapter dealt with the blessings? After all, the tribes of Israel were divided, some to proclaim a blessing on Mount Gerizim, and the rest to proclaim a curse on Mount Ebal. We don’t hear the blessings here. The curses that follow are shouted out by the Levites (from the group that is supposed to bless). Interesting.
These curses are more a series of oaths to be spoken by the priests but then affirmed by the people. It makes me think of responsive readings in church. With the repetition, it is easy to fall prey to just saying “Amen” because the priest stopped talking. The people were hearing what they were going to be affirming. “Amen” would be like saying, “so be it” or “let it be so.” This would be like the first ceremony in their new land.
What did you think of these curses? I see some of the 10 Commandments mixed in here. People respond to having boundaries and expectations. These are loving warnings about plain facts, situations that are going to present themselves. God wants us to be careful of dangerous actions. If we listen, we can avoid strong consequences (being cursed). I don’t know about you, but I would rather have the blessings.
Take some time today and evaluate your own motives and actions. What motivates you into action? Does fear cripple you? How is your relationship with God? Do you feel like he is speaking into your heart today?

Let’s pray … Lord, I come to you humbly knowing you are always looking out for me. Forgive me when I worry. You are in control, and I can be at peace. Thank you for all the blessings you have bestowed. May I avoid behaviors that would disappoint you and lead to a curse. Cleanse me anew and use me as your will unfolds in my life. In Jesus’ name. Amen.