Joshua 4:1-9 – Twelve Stones

Read Joshua 4:1-9

Pile of stones

What did you think of the reading today? Did you find it a little curious that all these men were moving rocks around? What could be the significance? Sometimes we encounter passages like this that really make us wonder. Do you think there is some hidden meaning here? Whether there is or not, ask God to let this passage speak to you.

To me, the obedience of all involved in this story shines brightly. We have Joshua who listened to God about choosing 12 men. That was in yesterday’s reading. Today God reveals to Joshua what they are to do. Joshua was obedient. The men he chose were obedient. The people all crossed the Jordan were obedient. The priests were steadfast in holding up the Ark and making sure it, and all the people, made the trek safely across.

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Isaiah 22:1-25 – Ask God For Help

Read Isaiah 22:1-25

Jerusalem is called the “Valley of Vision” here because it is where God often revealed himself. The people seem oblivious to the warnings they are being given. They are not repenting and putting their trust in God. They are doing all sorts of things, like partying, recreating on their rooftops, and preparing, all by their own power. “But you never ask for help from the One who did all this. You never considered the One who planned this long ago.” If they could only see how easy God was making it for them to be safe and secure. 2 Chronicles 7:14 sums it up nicely. “Then if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land.”

How often to do we do a similar thing? We go about our business, making plans, executing those plans, and then wonder why our plans fail. Perhaps we, too, missed the crucial piece of asking God first. Had we asked for God’s help, his input, his blessing, we may have received a message that our plans weren’t quite right. God’s plans never fail. Shouldn’t we want to make sure we are doing things God’s way?

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Isaiah 20:1-6 – Listen to God

Read Isaiah 20:1-6

I have a new respect for Isaiah having read today’s passage. I know I’ve read this before, but for some reason the idea of walking around naked for three years is applaudable. Having endured harsh Midwest winters, I can’t imagine walking around naked and shoeless year-round. But there is a definite message we should be taking here. It’s not about being naked, it’s about how Isaiah listened to God.

God said disrobe. Isaiah did. We don’t see Isaiah questioning, bargaining, avoiding or trying to talk God out of it. “Then the Lord said, “My servant Isaiah has been walking around naked and barefoot for the last three years. This is a sign—a symbol of the terrible troubles I will bring upon Egypt and Ethiopia.” We shouldn’t be surprised that God’s request was on purpose. God wanted to use Isaiah’s uncomfortable situation to make a point. Isaiah never questioned God. He just obeyed.

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Deuteronomy 32:1-47 – Moses’ Song

Read Deuteronomy 32:1-47

When I think of a song, my mind goes first to the tune. Then I focus on the lyrics. When both the tune and the lyrics are powerful, the song is so much more memorable. Moses’ song appears to be lyrics only. The tune can always be added later. Isn’t it amazing how you can remember lyrics from songs you learned as a kid? I am always amazed when my husband, David breaks into song, only to find out it’s a song from the 60’s or one he played in a garage band back in the day.

God was brilliant when he had Moses write down a song to help the people remember. It’s a great learning tool. I’ve learned many Bible verses that way. Put them to a melody. As a worship leader, I’ve also learned many songs along the way only to find out later as I’m reading through the Bible that it was Scripture I was singing. I love those a-ha moments!

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Deuteronomy 28:15-68 – Doom and Gloom

Read Deuteronomy 28:15-68

I could have broken this passage up into several days to have a shorter reading, but I decided that with all the doom and gloom in our present day world, we’d only spend one day focusing on these curses. It would be easy to just skim over this section believing that we are immune. After all, didn’t Jesus come to save us? We’ll look at Paul’s words from Galatians 3, too.

Imagine you were the one hearing Moses declare all of these curses. What would you have been feeling? Would the fear of God be boiling inside you? Would you believe it or think that Moses had lost his mind? God was more than serious and whether or not we feel the message is for us or not, we need to seek understanding.

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