What God wants more than anything is for us to stay focused on him. Period. God knew the people were going to cross into the promised land and be surrounded by all kinds of evil. He had to call it out here in this passage. When we don’t know something is bad for us, we can get into trouble. I think of the child burning his hand on the stove because his mom didn’t warn him it was going to be hot.
The word “detestable” is pretty strong. In the King James and the ESV the word is “abomination.” According to the Google dictionary, the Biblical meaning of detestable is synonymous to abomination or “exceptionally loathsome, hateful, sinful, wicked, or vile.” Do you think this will stop the people or will that make it even more of an enticement?
Why is it that when we are told not to do something, we want to do it even more? Have you ever been out with a friend and they see someone that catches their eye, and yet they tell you “don’t look,” lest they be found out for having been staring or watching this person? It’s hard to not want to look. There’s just something in our sinful nature that triggers and causes us to sin, even when we have been “warned.”
Or maybe it’s just me. Maybe as you’re reading this you’re thinking about how obedient you have been in your life and think I’m the one who’s all messed up. I’m sure there are a few angels out there who really did follow the directions, mind their parents, and try their best to live a sinless life. It’s taken me a lifetime to truly resonate with obedience. I still fall short.
But how about this list of no-noes? These “abominations” still exist today in our world. They still tempt us. Are they still detestable to God? After all, I can truly resonate with Moses’ words, “You shall be blameless before the Lord your God.” I do want to please God.
For a lot of my life, I didn’t know about these verses and warnings to the Israelites. Does the list end here? I’ve read several commentaries, and one would suggest the list should also include: dream interpretation, Reiki, yoga, occult martial arts and mysticism, hypnotism, drugs, alcohol, superstitions, some forms of method acting, idols, tattoos, piercings, certain movies, books, and philosophies. That’s quite a list!
We could get really carried away, and that’s not my intention. As I’m reflecting here, I think God is really trying to say we should avoid anything that separates us from following him. We know nothing can separate us from his love when we cling to the promise in Romans 8:38-39, “And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God’s love. Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow—not even the powers of hell can separate us from God’s love. No power in the sky above or in the earth below—indeed, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord.”
God loves us. God wants the best for us. His Word spells it out pretty clearly what he believes the “best” is all about. Take some time to reflect on your own behavior and relationship with God. Is there something in the way?
Let’s pray… Lord, forgive me for times I have drifted away from you and your truth for my life. Thank you for placing me on the right path again. Each day is a new adventure, and I love exploring new and uncharted territory. I look forward to the people you will bring across my path today. May I be a beacon of light in this dark world. In Jesus’ name. Amen.