I wonder why God chose the Levites to be tribe appointed as priests. Levi wasn’t the first born of Jacob but the third to Leah. And interesting that the Levites received no land as the other descendants did. Instead, their inheritance was much richer. “The Lord himself is their special possession, just as he promised them.” That is a precious inheritance to be sure. God’s hand of protection was upon them.
I wonder if that’s why some churches moved to having parsonages for pastors. That is, a home provided by the church. It makes perfect sense to me. If those men of God are leading the church, similar to the Levites they would be cared for by the people. Having lived in a parsonage, I know the honor I felt for having that provided for us.
I also know that at some point, when you leave that congregation you are homeless. That, too, was a strange feeling, watching our possessions being loaded onto a truck and saying goodbye to a house that had never been ours. It was a bit surreal driving south from Iowa into Mexico where we would be living next. We traveled with our four dogs, their crates, and the possessions we could cram in our Prius as we crossed the border into our new life. God has been with us all the way.
As for the Israelites moving into their new land, they needed the structure God was prescribing for them through Moses. They needed the clarity of what life would look like. People need structure lest they flounder and struggle with confusion. I know waking up the first morning in Mexico. I looked around and said to myself, “Now what?” I can totally resonate with what Moses is doing to help set the people up for success.
God wanted to be sure the people knew that the priests were important to him. Moses said, “For the Lord your God chose the tribe of Levi out of all your tribes to minister in the Lord’s name forever.” While God had set them apart, he was enlisting the help of the people to share their abundance. That abundance would also be from God. He wanted to make sure they didn’t keep it all for themselves.
It was never meant to be a “handout” but a blessing of sustenance. The people were to give thanks to God for his provision with their food offerings. This was God’s food in the first place. The offering not only was an honor to God, giving him back the best portion, the “first fruits,” but also God’s inheritance to his chosen priests and Levites.
The people needed to know what was expected of them. The Levites were blessed to hear how they would be provided for. It was a beautiful moment for all. We all yearn for the feeling of clarity and being taken care of. To not worry about where your next meal is coming from can be life changing. To know you’ll be able to afford a roof over your head can be answered prayer for many.
Are you struggling today with clarity or concerns with finances? Are you wondering how God is going to use you to make a difference for someone else? We may not be the “chosen people” about to enter the promised land, but we are God’s children, and he cares for us deeply. We can put our trust in him for provision, comfort, and clarity. Tell him how you are feeling.

Let’s pray. Lord, I am feeling at peace today in my surroundings. I am confident you have a purpose for my life. I am seeking you each day to know for sure what that is and how I can be the best steward of what you have given me. Give me the clarity I need to know if I am on the right path. In Jesus’ name. Amen.