Light or dark? I’m not referring to the type of turkey meat you want on your holiday plate! (If that seems a little odd for an introduction, remember I’m writing this on Thanksgiving to be published and distributed to my subscribers the day after — we’ll probably all be in a food coma by then!) We do have a choice on whether we choose the light or the darkness. Some people would like to think you can flip flop back and forth. God knows our hearts. Where do we belong?
Of course, God wants us all to be with him in the light. There is no darkness in him at all. But there is plenty of darkness when we look around. Our society is crawling with distractions and opportunities to step out of the light. Sometimes it seems to me that the light is shrinking. It’s harder to find the light than ever before. But God is where he has always been. Everywhere. Waiting for us. Sometimes he’s just harder to see because of all the noise and confusion.
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