How are you serving God? Maybe you’re involved heavily in a church and are feeling overwhelmed wishing you could just say “no” when asked to serve. (I am very familiar with that scenario!) Maybe you’re tired and unsure how God wants to use you in this season of your life. Maybe you’re a little angry with God because you see other believers acting in ways that are not in alignment with what you believe God intends and don’t want to serve. In any case, Paul says, “never give up.”
There are a lot of scary things going on in the world today. I, for one, believe this is a time to rely on God more than ever. It is an opportunity for us who believe and trust to be more vocal than ever. We can help people calm their fear, find hope, and feel secure in the future. There was an interesting passage in today’s reading that resonated truth to me. “Satan, who is the god of this world, has blinded the minds of those who don’t believe.” How true is that? The evil one is alive and well and causing havoc in the hearts of God’s people and especially the unbelievers.
Continue reading “2 Corinthians 4:1-6 – Let Your Light Shine”