Haggai 2:20-23 – Chosen by God

Read Haggai 2:20-23

It helps to understand a bit of what is happening in Zerubbabel’s back story. We know from reading Haggai that he was the governor of Judah after the people returned from exile in Babylon. What I didn’t remember was that he was the grandson of King Jehoiachin, a king in the line of David (see Jesus’ lineage in Matthew 1:12).

You may recall from my reflections on Jeremiah 22 and 2 Kings 24, that King Jehoiachin had fallen out of favor with God. Jehoiachin was taken captive to Babylon in the first deportation of God’s people and imprisoned. God had promised David in 2 Samuel 7:12-16 that there would always be an heir on the throne. Fast forward to the Israelites’ return from exile, and the question is now, “what about Zerubbabel?”

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Haggai 2:1-9 – God is With Us

Read Haggai 2:1-9

I hadn’t thought about the fact that the people rebuilding the temple would probably have never seen the original one now in ruins. Would those memories have been kept alive in families living in exile? If there were any faithful ones still alive that had seen the glorious splendor of the original temple, Haggai’s words were a comfort for them. “My Spirit remains among you, just as I promised when you came out of Egypt. So do not be afraid.”

How can human hands build a house worthy of the glory of God? A big project like building a temple for God may have seemed overwhelming. It certainly was the first time around for Solomon. You may recall Solomon’s father, King David had the vision for a grand temple, but it was God’s plan that Solomon be the one in charge of its construction. We read about that in 1 Kings 8. Solomon’s prayer of dedication is beautiful.

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Zephaniah 3:9-13 – Is This What Heaven Will Be Like?

Read Zephaniah 3:9-13

This section of Zephaniah’s prophecy starts with the word, “Then.” Because this word, then, points to an event or moment in time, what Zephaniah describes becomes an observation of what we’ll see around us. I had to admit it sounded like a very pleasant place, a glimpse of what heaven might be like.

Can you imagine a time when all people speak only positively “so that everyone can worship the Lord together.” No more harsh, hurtful words that separate people, but loving words that bind people together in harmony, praising the Father and creator of all. I can just picture an angel choir making beautiful music.

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1 Peter 2:13-17 – Who is My Boss?

Read 1 Peter 2:13-17

Today, there are plenty of sources trying to control us. It may be our boss at work, the government, or the police officer who pulled us over for speeding. Even our own children “think” they are in a place of power when they try to manipulate us into doing what they want. All of these “authorities” play a role in our daily lives. How we respond is up to us. Peter suggests we “submit to all human authority—whether the king as head of state, or the officials he has appointed.” Did you catch those final words? The ones God has appointed.

Does that mean all who serve in an official capacity as an “authority” are appointed by God? Or does that mean that we need to submit to the ones God has appointed and not all the other ones? If the latter, how do we know who is who?

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1 Peter 2:1-10 – Living Stones

Read 1 Peter 2:1-10

It’s all about representing Jesus well. We just heard in our last reading about holy living, and now we learn we’re to be living stones! To get ready for that, Peter begins by commanding a cleanse. He knew firsthand how easily it was to fall prey to the world and let fear or doubt take control. You may even say things you don’t mean! Peter calls us to be real and not fake.

What does a living stone do? What are our job requirements? Peter was a living stone, building his life on the truth of Jesus Christ. What did Peter do? He told people about Jesus. Peter describes us as: “You are royal priests, a holy nation, God’s very own possession.” There’s that bit about being holy again. Peter wants for us to be holy because that’s what Jesus wants for us. His kingdom is being populated with royal priests who are holy!

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