David was living comfortably now in a palace, surrounded by his family and household. God had truly brought him to this moment. Yet we sense some discontentment. David told the prophet Nathan, “I am living in a beautiful cedar palace, but the Ark of God is out there in a tent!” Was David feeling a bit guilty perhaps? Nathan was quick to give David a permit to build something grander for God.
Apparently, God didn’t want to be contained. We read the LORD appeared to Nathan that very night with a totally different message. Just like that, Nathan rescinded the building permit he had given David. There was a lot to God’s message that David would need to digest. Nathan was also in the loop having received this profound message. God was in control of his location and was quite content to be in the “tent.” David need only ponder the extravagant promise God had just made.
We can be guilty of wanting to contain God. It’s not a very good idea. It’s impossible for us to do really because our feeble minds can’t even begin to comprehend the majesty of God. We don’t have words or the ability to even describe God. We do best to just be in awe of God.
I had a little chuckle when God told Nathan, “Yet no matter where I have gone with the Israelites, I have never once complained to Israel’s tribal leaders.” People are the ones who grumble. It seems we are never content. If God can be content in in a tent, who are we to complain?
We see from this text that God is more interested in making a dynasty for David and what that means for the future of his people. God refers to David as his “servant.” God was going to use David in a mighty way. David already experienced a lot of success. He had seen his foes fall before him. That was all God.
God’s promise was extravagant, and the plan was to build David a house, a kingdom, a dynasty, not the other way around. How will David process this message?

Let’s pray …
Lord, forgive me for those times when I have put limitations on you and your ability to act in my life. I want instead to be totally in awe of you and your many blessings. Your promise to be with us and to never let anything separate us from your love is an extravagant promise I can rely on each day. I love you, Lord. In Jesus’ name. Amen.