Jeremiah 37:1-21 – Serve Despite the Chaos

Read Jeremiah 37:1-21

letters of word CHAOS made out of emojis

There’s a lot happening in this chapter. First, we have a king asking for prayer. Then, Egypt approaches with the apparent intention of helping Judah, and the Babylonians leave. Then Jeremiah loses his freedom to walk about when he is wrongly accused and put in a dungeon before being upgraded to prison in the royal palace.

We’re given a bit of a time stamp to this story as well. We’ve got a big jump in time from our last reading (remember this book is not chronological). Jeremiah is in the middle of the siege. God’s prophecies were coming true in real time for Jeremiah. Many people had already been taken into exile and there is only a small number remaining. “But neither King Zedekiah nor his attendants nor the people who were left in the land listened to what the Lord said through Jeremiah.” Where have all the faithful people gone? Are they all in Babylon already? Jeremiah is on his own.

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Jeremiah 36:21-32 – What Happened to the Scroll?

Read Jeremiah 36:21-32


Can you believe what the king did to the scroll? At least he had it read to him before he destroyed it. But the fact he was not moved to repent is serious business. I was surprised by this line: “Neither the king nor his attendants showed any signs of fear or repentance at what they heard.” How could they hear all of that and have no fear of the LORD? What a calloused heart King Jehoiakim must have had to simply burn up God’s word with no remorse. I picture him taking delight in the power he wielded. Sad. Very sad.

God desires our devotion and was hopeful his prophetic words on the scroll would pierce the king’s cold heart. God gave the king a chance to get it right, but the king failed. The king’s actions were brutal as he slashed the scroll and burned it up. How disappointed God must have been to see such a response! Can you think of a time when someone responded to you in a totally unexpected way that hurt you?

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Jeremiah 36:1-20 – Introducing Baruch

Read Jeremiah 36:1-20

quill and scroll paper with Hebrew writing

What a drama we see unfold before our eyes in this reading! And in just twenty short verses we covered the span of a year. I always like when we get those nuggets of exactness on which to create our mental picture of what’s happening in that moment. God was hopeful, “Perhaps the people of Judah will repent when they hear again all the terrible things I have planned for them.”

Faithful Jeremiah listens to God about writing it all down. What surprises me here is that all this time, Jeremiah was not keeping written notes of his prophecies from God. I suppose that’s because I journal a lot! I pour my heart out to God and keep track of answered prayer.

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Jeremiah 21:1-10 – Bad News

Read Jeremiah 21:1-10

distortion of color with a man holding his ears full of anxiety

With this passage, we are entering into a new section of Jeremiah concerning prophecies focusing mainly on the Davidic kingship. It all begins with a request from the current king for reassurance from Jeremiah. Do you think King Zedekiah was surprised by Jeremiah’s message from God?

Clearly, King Zedekiah was clueless to the mess he and his people had created in Judah. He expected that God would help save them from the Babylonian attack. Had Zedekiah not been listening to Jeremiah’s prophecies up to this point? The news wasn’t good. God’s message was not “sugar coated” in the least. Here Zedekiah gets an earful of a message that is difficult for Jeremiah to bring.

Continue reading “Jeremiah 21:1-10 – Bad News”

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