Genesis 4:1-16 – Jealousy

Read Genesis 4:1-16

When we think about how the world began, Adam and Even no doubt come to mind. The names Cain and Abel may also be familiar to us as the first two sons born of the first couple. Sibling rivalry at it’s worst. If you’ve had children or had siblings growing up, you know that there are times when kids don’t get along. Since each of us is gifted differently, there are bound to be issues. For instance, the musically inclined may wish they were athletic and visa versa. Perhaps the oldest (or the youngest) gets more attention. It’s when jealousy gets so overpowering that it can be dangerous.

In our Biblical account, the jealousy turned deadly. We’re not told why Cain’s sacrifice wasn’t accepted, but that was a big deal for him. We did hear that Abel brought “choice” lambs from the “best” of his flock for his sacrifice. It didn’t say Cain’s was bad, but it didn’t indicate it was his “best” stuff. God could clearly see the heart. In Cain’s despair, God cautioned him, “Sin is crouching at the door, eager to control you. But you must subdue it and be its master.” Obviously, Cain was not able or willing to be a master over this evil. Continue reading “Genesis 4:1-16 – Jealousy”

Hebrews 13:6-9 – Kick Fear in the Butt

Read Hebrews 13:6-9

Fear can be crippling. What are your fears? What comes to mind for me are the obvious fears like spiders, heights and confined spaces. We aren’t born with these fears, but somehow they creep in over the course of time. Since moving to Mexico I have really come to grips with my fear of spiders. It’s been a while since I’ve seen one scurrying around (yes, they are VERY fast here, and VERY big). You’ve heard people say the way to conquer your fear is to face it.

Aside from these “common” fears, we all have fears that are deeper inside us. They limit us from our true happiness or potential. I’ve learned more and more about these fears, also known as “limiting beliefs.” We all have them. Maybe we believe we aren’t good enough or don’t deserve happiness. Maybe we believe we are too old or too young to do this or that. These beliefs are based on fear. What does the Bible say? Continue reading “Hebrews 13:6-9 – Kick Fear in the Butt”

Acts 27:13-26 – Stormy Seas

Read Acts 27:13-16

We have all had “I told you so”  moments in our lives. I’m sure one, in particular, sped through your mind as you read today’s reading. I know one did for me. However, Paul’s message was not to condemn but to comfort. Again, Paul’s integrity and leadership shine through the darkness of the moment.

When we are going through the storms of life, it is sometimes hard to focus on anything good. When we are lost in the moment of despair, there is nothing anyone can say that is going to lift us up. I wonder how it was for Paul’s shipmates. They had been frantically doing things to keep themselves safe–as if they had control.  Continue reading “Acts 27:13-26 – Stormy Seas”

Luke 8:22-25 – Stormy Days

Read Luke 8:22-25

These short verses really speak volumes, don’t they?

Jesus has a plan; he wants to go across the lake. For the moment, think about a plan he has for you, perhaps you have been convicted of something that you are felt led to do to further his kingdom. Now back to the story.

The disciples apparently agree, for off they go. First lesson – obedience, follow the Lord’s direction. I suppose Jesus was tired and knew a trip across the lake would afford him a good rest. Did he know they’d encounter a storm? Was it a test for his disciples? The Sea of Galilee,  the lake they were crossing, is known for it’s strong storms, and they can produce monstrous waves I’m told. Continue reading “Luke 8:22-25 – Stormy Days”

Luke 2:1-7 – It’s Just the Beginning

Read Luke 2:1-7

Jesus is born. It’s a story we’ve heard many times. I want you to read it again and pretend this is the first time you read the story. There are many people walking around this planet who do not know Jesus, much less how he came to earth. These first few chapters of Luke are pivotal. There is so much wisdom that points to God’s perfect plan to save the world.

God became man, in the form of a little baby. He chose a young virgin betrothed to a man in the line of King David, to fulfill Scripture prophecies. He was born and placed in a manger. Aren’t mangers another word for animal feed trough?  Our God was placed in a food bin? The lowliness of his birth is astounding. Continue reading “Luke 2:1-7 – It’s Just the Beginning”


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