This is the last letter we have from Paul. We should be like Timothy and treasure every word, reading it over and over again for the boldness we need to live out our faith and help others do the same. Timothy was like a son to Paul. You can see that devotion in Paul’s writing. “I long to see you again, for I remember your tears as we parted. And I will be filled with joy when we are together again.” At the time of this writing, Paul was imprisoned and facing death. He wanted to warn Timothy and the other believers of the opposition they would face in the last days from self-centered false teachers.
As we walk through 2 Timothy, it is my hope and prayer that we all recommit ourselves to stand courageously for truth, believing God’s word, and letting the Holy Spirit guide us through each day. We are living in an age of deception and lies. I suppose we could look at any time in history and say the same thing. It is because evil is in the world and can take advantage of even the strongest people if left unaware.
Continue reading “2 Timothy 1:1-8 – Fan the Flame”