Paul continues to give profound wisdom to Timothy and us as well. Despite being uncomfortable and in prison, Paul keeps his focus on the prize. He is also clear on the mission God called him to. “And God chose me to be a preacher, an apostle, and a teacher of this Good News.” I’d say Paul did a great job with that assignment. I strive to do well with what God has planned for me.
Paul words of encouragement can really speak to us today amidst our own chaos. “Hold on to the pattern of wholesome teaching you learned from me—a pattern shaped by the faith and love that you have in Christ Jesus.” No matter what happens in the world around us, nobody can take away the Biblical truths and promises that have shaped our lives.
I am thankful for a faithful upbringing. My parents wanted me to know Jesus. I am saddened that not everyone had the same life experience. But because you are reading this reflection, I am confident God has found you where you are and is calling you back to him. We have our whole lives to cherish what God has created for us. The sooner we can realize that and are grateful to Him for the gift of each day, the better it would seem.
In those times when we feel weak or disempowered by something going on in the world, we need to cling to our faith. Paul tells us we are not alone. “Through the power of the Holy Spirit who lives within us, carefully guard the precious truth that has been entrusted to you.” We can call on that power when we feel weak and unsure.
I thought it was interesting that Paul mentioned how he was feeling abandoned by those who had been “friends.” Haven’t we all had similar things happen to us. Perhaps we’ve lost friends who don’t believe as we do or have a different opinion. That can sting. Yet there are also friends who will stick with us, through thick and thin, and we can identify with Paul here, too.
Paul wants his special friends, who stayed true when the going got rough, to be remembered by God. I’m sure God was very much aware of the goings on with those people. Yet, it’s a good reminder for us to always honor and nurture our friendships and be aware that even good leaders will fall astray.
Take some quiet time today to reflect on what God has for you to do in this time and place.

Let’s pray … Lord, thank you for how you have gifted me to share boldly. I trust that you are ahead of me preparing the way for each new adventure. Help me to be mindful of your leading. Don’t let me fall prey to the wiles of this world. Help me to stand firm on my foundation of faith. In Jesus’ name. Amen.