This is the last letter we have from Paul. We should be like Timothy and treasure every word, reading it over and over again for the boldness we need to live out our faith and help others do the same. Timothy was like a son to Paul. You can see that devotion in Paul’s writing. “I long to see you again, for I remember your tears as we parted. And I will be filled with joy when we are together again.” At the time of this writing, Paul was imprisoned and facing death. He wanted to warn Timothy and the other believers of the opposition they would face in the last days from self-centered false teachers.
As we walk through 2 Timothy, it is my hope and prayer that we all recommit ourselves to stand courageously for truth, believing God’s word, and letting the Holy Spirit guide us through each day. We are living in an age of deception and lies. I suppose we could look at any time in history and say the same thing. It is because evil is in the world and can take advantage of even the strongest people if left unaware.
I love how Paul describes his mission. “I have been sent out to tell others about the life he has promised through faith in Christ Jesus.” What would be your life’s mission statement? Maybe you’ve never thought about that before. It wasn’t until David and I started building our online coaching business that we got really clear on what our business mission was. Shouldn’t we also have a personal mission? Take some time to think about that asking God for clarity.
What would Paul say to you about your faithfulness? For Timothy, Paul knew he came from a heritage of faith following his mother and grandmother. Paul then said, “This is why I remind you to fan into flames the spiritual gift God gave you when I laid my hands on you. For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline.”
We have each been gifted with spiritual gifts as well. God has equipped each of us for the mission he has planned for us. God wouldn’t send us out into the world to be his ambassadors without arming us with the proper tools. When we “fan the flame” of our gifts, we need to be using them as God directs us. Picture what you do when you “fan the flame.” You put into motion an action that causes the flame to spark and burn brighter. When we are using our gifts, we are burning brighter for our Lord and living our purpose.
The other part of Paul’s encouragement is to remind us that God is not the source of fear. We may find ourselves fearful over what is happening in the world. We shouldn’t let that stop us from our mission of spreading love. Yet, the piece about self-discipline is also there. It’s like the check and balance system of our faith. We need to be sure we are truly being helpful and not so overzealous that we frighten people away. We’ve all seen “those” kinds of people.
Take some time today to focus on the mission Christ has for you in the world. As Paul counseled Timothy, “Be ready to suffer with me for the sake of the Good News.”

Let’s pray … Lord, thank you for the gifts you have given me to further your kingdom. Help me to honor you in all I say and do by using these gifts. May the fire you have placed inside me burn brightly so that the world will see you and have no more fear. In Jesus’ name. Amen.