We’ve all had our favorite TV shows over the years. At the end of each season, you expect and anticipate the cliffhanger. You know, it’s that loose end that will grab your attention and make you drool for the next episode. I think that’s why people like binging on Netflix so much these days. You don’t have to anxiously wait all summer to find out what happens when the fall season kicks off. You can simply keep watching. David and I just did that very thing with a show we’ve been following.
Our text today sets up a bit of a cliffhanger in that we see a new villain being introduced. We didn’t know he was a villain at first. The King of Babylon has made his presence known by sending his best wishes and gift to King Hezekiah on his recovery from a deadly illness. Not long after, his envoy arrives, and we see King Hezekiah welcome them with open arms. King Hezekiah doesn’t leave anything to the imagination but shows the Babylonians all of his riches. Why does the king do this?
Is he being a bit boastful? He seems to take pleasure in showing them everything. “Hezekiah was delighted with the Babylonian envoys and showed them everything in his treasure-houses—the silver, the gold, the spices, and the aromatic oils. He also took them to see his armory and showed them everything in his royal treasuries! There was nothing in his palace or kingdom that Hezekiah did not show them.” Little did Hezekiah know what a mistake that was. Can’t you just hear the dramatic music start to swell?
Hezekiah didn’t seem all too concerned either when Isaiah came to him to tell him how Babylon will bring destruction to Jerusalem and take all these riches away. “This message you have given me from the Lord is good.” For the king was thinking, “At least there will be peace and security during my lifetime.” The king knew he had 15 years remaining after being healed in our last reading. I suppose he was relieved these things wouldn’t happen “during his watch,” so to speak. But these things would affect his children and/or children’s children. To me, that would be troubling.
Chapter 39 closes with the word from God that Jerusalem would fall into the hands of the Babylonians. It’s a set-up for what is to come. This is also a natural break in the Book of Isaiah. The first 39 chapters are often referred to as “First Isaiah”, while the remaining chapters are “Second Isaiah.” We will be taking a break from Isaiah over the next days to let that cliffhanger “hang in the air” for the moment.
It’s good for us to reflect on what we’ve encountered so far in the book of Isaiah. We have met one of the “good” kings in Hezekiah. We have seen how God orchestrates what is happening in the world, and not of them appear to be good things. God uses even unlikely sources to make his plans happen. Yet, despite what happens in the world, God is always in control. We have seen generations of people rebelling against God, it’s not just in our day. We have seen how God’s desire is for his people to love him and be in relationship with him. God doesn’t want us trusting in the might of other gods.
How do these lessons from Isaiah speak to your heart? Have you made changes in the way you do things or in how you think about things because of the truths spoken to Isaiah? Have you discovered a hidden meaning for you and your life? Take some time today to listen for God’s voice amidst the clamoring of voices around you.

Let’s pray … Lord, I come into your awesome presence reminded of how much you love me. Thank you for all the people you have put into my path that have nurtured my faith and pointed me toward you. I pray you are using me to be that beacon of light needed by others to show them the way back to you. May the wisdom of your word permeate into my very soul keeping my feet walking within your will for my life. In Jesus’ name. Amen.