2 Chronicles 20:1-37 – God’s Victory

Read 1 Chronicles 20:1-37

How can you read a passage like this and not be changed? What I mean by that is how life-changing it is to see God at work. Reading accounts of God’s mighty intervention in the lives of his people is both encouraging and uplifting.

It’s easy for us to get caught up in our routines and start taking our blessings for granted. At some point, we are likely to hit a wall or be tempted or be ridiculed for our faithful living. How quickly our perfect existence can be marred by the unexpected attack.

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Nehemiah 4:1-6 – Handling Big Bullies

Read Nehemiah 4:1-6

Construction of the Jerusalem wall continues. We hear more about the bully, Sanballat, in this passage. Sanballat is spouting off his taunts to discredit the work of the Jews. I couldn’t help but think of when Jesus was taunted during the final hours before his crucifixion. People can be so mean.

We can only suppose what Sanballat’s problem is with the rebuilding process. Could it be he feels threatened and wants to show his superiority? Sanballat tries to get others to agree and join in on his mockery.

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Ezra 8:1-23 – Ezra’s Return

Read Ezra 8:1-23

Ezra headed up the second wave of returnees to Jerusalem. In today’s reading, we get an accounting of who came with him. Interesting that he had to recruit some Levites and temple workers to join the traveling group. You’ll recall a good number of Levites were included in the first wave.

Ezra is again setting a good example for us when he fasts and humbles himself before the journey. I can remember many family car trips beginning with a word of prayer asking for God’s protection over our journey. Those five-hour car rides are nothing in comparison with the several month trek on foot through the wilderness to Jerusalem. No matter the distance, God travels with those who ask!

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2 Kings 3:1-27 🗣 What Did God Have to Say?

Read 2 Kings 3:1-27

three figures of people all with their arms raised high in victory

Do you ever rush ahead of God’s plan and then, when you get stuck, ask for his help? We’re seeing that exact same thing happening here. As I’m reflecting on this passage about war against Moab, I’m watching the events unfold between present day Russia and Ukraine. It’s easy to get desensitized to war because it’s been happening over and over again since the Bible times. If you’re in the middle of it or have loved ones in harms way, then it’s a different story—you’re on the edge of your seat.

In our reading, we see how three kings have come together against one rebelling nation, Moab. But these leaders have rushed to get ready before asking God what they should do. Thank you, Jehoshaphat, King of Judah, for getting the others on board with finding the LORD’s solution.

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