Luke 8:26-39 – A Pig Story

Read Luke 8:26-39

There are a lot of miracle stories we could lump together, but some deserve their own time of reflection. Like today’s story. When you put yourself there in the story, didn’t your heart race a little bit when you stood in awe and amazement at what was unfolding before your eyes?

Mine did to see a demon possessed man transformed back into health and vitality while a whole herd of pigs became possessed and killed themselves. That is not an everyday kind of occurrence, then or now. Wow! So what the man must have been experiencing? To be in chains from the life demons led must have been torture, and to be set free of those chains? Like a dream, answered prayer.

So what struck me today is that a legion must be a lot. I looked it up, and through the early first century, a legion of roman soldiers was about 5,000 men. After all, there was a large herd of pigs, maybe as many as 5,000, and they all got crazy possessed. That poor man was riddled with demons.

Do we ever feel crazy possessed? Are we full of passion or full of evil? It could go either way.

The more we stay crazy possessed with things of God, his Word, songs of praise, the more full of passion for life we become. It just happens. I can tell you from my own example – when I was a working full time job, it was sometimes a time crunch to find time for God.

That is NOTHING I am proud of, and it makes it all the more special and real now that I am spending intentional time with him EVERYDAY. The more the merrier, or should I say the more passionate?! My passion level is at an all time high and it’s because I’ve made my faith and relationship with God  more a priority.

So being crazy possessed, that’s one way to think through this passage. What were your thoughts when you read it? (Please comment at the end.)

You  might also think about Jesus’ response to the man’s request to follow him. “No, go back to your family, and tell them everything God has done for you.”  Exactly. Tell them, your family, EVERYTHING God has done for you. It starts with family. When we get lost on our journey of faith, it’s so exciting to tell family when we find our way again. There’s nothing better than when that passion sneaks back in and extinguishes the evil.

God is working in each of our lives. It is up to us to let the story out and not keep it tucked inside. Sure it’s comfortable and safe, but if we were each a little bolder this world would just be that much brighter. Like turning on a light switch, the dimmer kind.

So, are you struggling today with a demon, something that is telling lies over your life? You’re not alone. Find your passion for God, and you’ll be delighted at the power you have to command that demon be gone! I’ve been blessed to have heard lots of great stories of people overcoming with the power of Jesus.

Rejoice with those who have been set free. Support them and give them your time. Direct their paths into Scripture and quiet reflection with God.

Common theme? Rejoice in God today.

Let’s pray. Lord, I thank you for helping me fight the demons that have haunted me. I know you have made me for more than this, and I am asking for the power and direction to do exactly what it is you dream for me to accomplish. Use me, fill me and make me wholly yours. May all I do and say be to your glory. Wipe all thoughts of evil or shame from my mind. I ask these things in the name of Jesus. Amen.

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