Philippians 4:1-5 – Rejoice!

Read Philippians 4:1-5

silhouette of a girl with arms raised against shining light on blue wall

Paul takes such delight in his friends in Philippi. I can imagine how, as he wrote this letter, he was filled with joy at the memories he had made in this community. It is often fond memories we cherish that keep us going in the tough times. Sitting in a prison would not be Paul’s best hour. Yet, he rejoices and encourages his friends to “stay true to the Lord.”

Paul sees the fruits of his labor blooming in his friends. Spreading the good news about Jesus’ resurrection power has become Paul’s life work. To see this young congregation in Philippi growing gives Paul a lot to be thankful for. God is moving in the lives of these people, and God continues to move today. To stay true to the Lord, we need to keep our eyes focused on Jesus and not let the distractions of this world take hold.

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Luke 8:26-39 – A Pig Story

Read Luke 8:26-39

There are a lot of miracle stories we could lump together, but some deserve their own time of reflection. Like today’s story. When you put yourself there in the story, didn’t your heart race a little bit when you stood in awe and amazement at what was unfolding before your eyes?

Mine did to see a demon possessed man transformed back into health and vitality while a whole herd of pigs became possessed and killed themselves. That is not an everyday kind of occurrence, then or now. Wow! So what the man must have been experiencing? To be in chains from the life demons led must have been torture, and to be set free of those chains? Like a dream, answered prayer. Continue reading “Luke 8:26-39 – A Pig Story”


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