Psalm 8 💚 I Am God’s Creation

Read Psalm 8

Famous rendering of God's hand reaching out in creation

As we embark on our “Discovering the Bible Challenge,” we’ll focus first on Our Majestic and Gracious God. Each reading has been carefully selected for our Bible adventure together. I probably didn’t need to even tell you what the “theme” of the week is. What does our psalm speak to your heart about God’s character?

For me, I am comforted in knowing I was not created and then left to fend on my own. We all know this world to be a dark, cruel place underneath all the beauty and glorious display of God’s hand. There is peace knowing God created me to be in relationship with him. His instruction is available for all his children.

Continue reading “Psalm 8 💚 I Am God’s Creation”

Day 12 🌲 Joy to the World

silhouette of a girl with her arms raised with a bright light beaming on her depicting joy

I saved my second favorite Christmas carol until the last day, the 12th Day of Christmas Carols & Scripture. For me, the song’s message is not just for Christmas. It evokes the kind of praise we should have all year long. Many of us are certainly ready to receive our King when he comes again! In the meantime, as we find ourselves in the day to day grind, how do we keep our praise alive?

Joy to the world! the Lord is come;
let earth receive her King;
let every heart prepare him room,
and heaven and nature sing,
and heaven and nature sing,
and heaven, and heaven and nature sing.

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December 18 🌟 The King of Glory (Psalm 24:1-10)

Read Psalm 24:1-10

Jesus riding a white horse with battle around him

We’ve reflected through these Advent devotions about God’s promise to King David. God gifted David to be a mighty warrior and king, but the King of glory David speaks of in this psalm is not an earthly king at all. David can envision the LORD as King over all things.

The study notes in my Bible suggest this psalm may have been a song sung in call and response style. Picture the worship leader asking the question, “Who is the King of glory?” and the people singing out, “The LORD strong and mighty.” Indeed. The King of glory is the Messiah himself.

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December 16 🌟 Praise the Lord (Psalm 146:5-10)

Read Psalm 146:5-10

Graphic design using yellow stick figures with arm raised to the sky in worship

Praise the Lord! Our reading from Psalms today is powerful praise and worship pointing to God’s mercy. This is especially true for those who “have the God of Israel as their helper, whose hope is in the LORD their God.” I certainly believe God is most my most trustworthy advocate, and my hope is secure.

When I imagine God as my “helper,” my whole day shifts. Getting things done and figuring out best practices is so much easier when I ask God to help me. I’m pretty sure it works that way all the time. Sometimes I just forget to ask! How many hours have I wasted doing things the “long” way rather than asking God to show me the “best” way from the get-go?

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December 12 🌟 Revive Us! (Psalm 85:1-13)

Read Psalm 85:1-13

woman standing in a field of yellow flowers with her hands in the air, looking heavenward with a smile on her face

Are you feeling a bit weary? Have all the holiday preparations temporarily taken control of your life? Are you ready for a little injection of hope to revive you?

Perhaps the opening verses of this psalm will help you. Meditate on the message here for you. “LORD, you poured out blessings on your land! You restored the fortunes of Israel. You forgave the guilt of your people—yes, you covered all their sins.” Look around. We can see God’s blessings everywhere.

Continue reading “December 12 🌟 Revive Us! (Psalm 85:1-13)”

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