Psalm 119:9-16 💚 Delight in the Word

Read Psalm 119:9-16

woman with arms outstretched looking at a blue sky full of floating balloons

Psalm 119 is the longest chapter in the Bible! The whole thing is a great meditation on the importance and beauty of God’s word in nurturing our faith. Fun fact: in the original Hebrew, this psalm has 22 sections, each starting with a different letter of the Hebrew alphabet. Repetition is common for their culture because it would have been memorized and shared orally. God’s powerful word is that important!

We are given all sorts of ways we can interact with God’s word. We can obey, memorize, recite, study, reflect, delight, and not forget!

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Psalm 19:7-14 💛 Why Pay Attention?

Read Psalm 19:7-14

An open Bible sitting on a bench

Have you ever wondered, “Why should I pay attention to what God’s Word says?” It seems like more and more people want to downplay the Bible, water down the message, and possibly even disregard it all together. Today’s passage gives us good reason not to do this.

This the second reading in the category, “Listening to God’s Word.” Look at the reasons the psalmist gives us in the first eleven verses! Read those a couple of times! I don’t know about you, but seeing the great benefits is very enticing. Reviving the soul and bringing joy are only two of these nuggets we’re entitled to.

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Psalm 23 💜 My Shepherd

Read Psalm 23

Jesus with his lambs, in a field with mountains and stream

I love this Psalm. It paints yet another picture of our wonderful Creator. He shepherds us and cares for us more than we could ever imagine. His grace is without limit. “I have all that I need.”

There is so much richness to this psalm, I could probably write a whole series of reflections on different sections. Take some time today to read through this a couple time if you can. How is it speaking to your heart? How do you see God a little differently when you see him as your Shepherd?

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Psalm 91 💙 My Rescue and Refuge

Read Psalm 91

Swan floating on lake with at least 4 baby chicks visible under her wing

When the world feels like it is crashing in around you, read this psalm! As we are looking at God’s character from the perspective of his majesty and grace, these verses remind us of his great love and care for us. We may be disappointed by friends and family, but God is steadfast and true.

There are some great images here for us to cling to. I have always liked the picture of a mama bird huddling her chicks close when I read, “He will shelter you with his wings.” Moms can be very protective! I always found it comforting to find my mom when I fell and scraped my knee or broke up with a boy at school. Moms are great, but God protects us even more!

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Psalm 19:1-6 💗 Indescribable

Read Psalm 19:1-6

Orion constellation

“The heavens proclaim the glory of God.” That is really all we need to read today of this psalm. Imagine the majesty of the heavens and all the unexplored wonders. It’s hard enough for us to try and understand what happens here on earth or even within our own bodies. I’m especially aware of that as I would now be what some people would classify as “over the hill.” I relish in the experience and wisdom I have gained in my life. But, my body is starting to feel a few more aches and pains than when I was younger!

Whatever season of life we may find ourselves in, we can be thankful we have found God. We have so much to learn about him, whether we’ve been following him our whole life or for just the last 5 minutes! Each day is a new adventure, a new opportunity to learn, grow, and be blessed.

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